Evgeny Gesin
AllTelescopes / GesinSoft Owner

I specialize in development of enterprise and distributed applications for the Java(tm) platform. I started with Java in 1996 and in 2000 became a Sun Certified Programmer for Java Platform. I'm founder of J-Desk, the biggest Israeli Java User Group. I attend Sun's Java conferences in Israel and like to meet with other professionals. You can reach me at evgenygesin@yahoo.com

I'm very busy, and rarely update this site.

In 2000 I founded J-Desk, the biggest Israeli Java User Group, for advanced discussing the development of applications written for the Java(tm) platform. It offers a competitive connection for people who use Java technology to share their experiences and knowledge. The membership is free. The group has a meeting place, a web site, mailing list and newsletter, and a few sponsors. More details are available on the J-Desk web site. In 2003 J-Desk (former Javadesk) JUG has been chosen as one of the Top 25 Java User Groups in the world!

Before posting of messages to the mailing list you should have good understanding of Java. If you are not familiar with the Java programming language, please proceed to the Java Tutorial by Sun Microsystems.

Click to subscribe to j-desk

How To Pronounce My Name
Frequently, people ask me how to pronounce my name. Quite a lot of questions are about the "v" and second "e" letters, that change my name from the other "Eugene" name. To answer the question once, I decided to put up a wave file with myself speaking my name. I figured that this would be the definitive answer to how to pronounce my name by hearing how I pronounce it myself. :-)

Questions? Email me at evgenygesin@yahoo.com
1998-2006 Evgeny Gesin's Home Page Welcome!
Last modification : May 21, 2006 at 7:30 PM