Warm Welcome
Hi, welcome to my sweet home. In Hindi
I would welcome you all saying Namaste
. Take your time and visit my entire home. Feel free to send any
suggestions for my home improvement.
My Background
I was born in India's one of the largest cities called
Ahmedabad . I grew up in
Ahmedabad. I went to
St. Xavier's High School for my schooling. I finished my schooling in with
Science major in 1989. Then after I finished my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
from L.E.College, Morbi in 1993. In July 1995 I came to
United States . After coming
to United States I joined Hood
College , Frederick , Maryland for my Master's. I finished my Master's in
May 1998 with Computer Science major. Presently I am working with
DMS - NCIFCRF as a Programmer / Analyst.
My Java Applets
My Java Links
Java Books
Java Tutorials & Guides
times since July '98
Website by : Ritesh Patel
Graphics by : Ritesh Patel
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