Fairly recent walk Crane Mt Past Fishing Trip Deer pics scenic CNY ride

This site is a 100% home made compilation of photos taken in central New York State. My hobbies of fishing, computers, and photography hopefully will combine to make viewing these pictures from my locale worth your time. The most updated are on my walk page (bottom left), sometimes updated twice a week or more. The other pages on the left contain more pictures from recent or past favorite trips. Clicking any thumbnail to the right of this will snag a 1024x768 picture. Excuse the broken links as one of my sites was deleted, working on it. Also, roadrunner's homepage server is trashing things I upload. This Yahoo site and the http://home.rr.com/mikeh/ will be my main picture posting sites. I am starting to think home.roadrunner.com is an attack site. 12-20-08 Update: TW finally nuked my homepages.roadrunner.com/cnyphotos site. And finally they fixed home.roadrunner.com/~mikeh07 ... for now.

Ithaca Falls 9-07 State Woods Pond WTVH photo of the day Boston cam cropped a bit and resized June 22,07 sunset

Wild Sunflower

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Yahoo homepage

MSN space

Great Blue heron on Lake Delta, June 25, 07