Garage Project

Links to my Pics

102906-Garage Foundation Dug
103006-Matt and Boulders
103006-Garage Forms and Matt
103006-Garage hole with forms
103006-Matt with lots of rocks
103006-Matt with the Claw
103006-Pool Picture
103106-Dave Crescios Excavator- Window View
103106-Jack Sparrow - aka Matt 2
103106-Jack Sparrow - aka Matt 1
110106-Making Little Rocks out of Big Rocks
110106-Making Walls
110206-Matt painting, camera red eye
110406-The front yard needs work
110406-Foundation and the pool
110406-Gas Meter
110406-Gas Line and Pool Electric Line
110406-Gas Pipe from the street
110406-Gas Pipe to Meter and Pool Electric Pipe
110406-John with the foundation- 8' deep
110406-John in the garage, OK, this is almost big enough
110406-Linda's Garage Pose
110406-New Schedule 40 drainpipe to street drain
110406-Pipe and Ditch
110406-Rocks and Stumps
110406-Side view of front yard before retaining walls
110406-Storm Drain to perimeter drain at house