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Hello and welcome to my web site (my humble little piece of the web)!
Please take a look around and feel free to stay for a while. I've provided links to
"My Collections",
my list of the "Internet's Best Help Guides",
"Scott's General Store",
links to some of "Favorite Sites",
and other useful pages.
My goal is to make this site professional, entertaining, and
educational. If there is anything you think will help improve this
site, please let me hear from you. Thank you.
If you are looking for my "Help Guide to Buying a Computer", please see my "Internet`s Best Help Guide"
link. I am no longer updating my Help Guide, but have supplied my readers with a link to another site with a pretty good computer help guide.
You can reach me by e-mail at: l_scott_caldwell*AT*excite.com
Please remove all of the "-" and replace "*AT*" with "@" - Sorry, but the SPAM bots are filling-up my inbox!
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Copyright (C) 1994 - 2008 by L. Scott Caldwell - All Rights Reserved
The 'Help Guide to Buying a Computer', the name 'Help Guide to Buying a Computer', 'HGBC',
the concept of CharityWare, the name CharityWare, and this entire web site are Copyrighted
by L. Scott Caldwell. All Rights Reserved. Other product names mentioned in my WEB pages
may be the trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
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