Maruthy Vedam

Hello Surfer ! Welcome to my home on the web.

A little about myself:

I am a native of Madras (now called Chennai), India. I lived there for 21 years and before coming to the US. In the US I have stayed for 2 years in Madison , Wisconsin. Presently I am in San Diego, California. My parents are still in Madras. My father, Dr Vedam Subrahmanyam was a professor at the Indian Intitute of Technology , Madras for over 30 years. Now he is the head of the Electrical Engineering Department at an Engineering College affiliated to the University of Madras. My mother, Leelavathi, is a home-maker, a master of all trades as I would like to call. Last but certainly not the least the one who completes my family, is my younger brother Padmanabha Niranjan (Paddu). He just completed whis Masters at the Intelligent Engineering Systems Laboratory at Massachussetts Institute of Technology . A budding entrepruener, he completed his bachelors at IIT Madras. Click here for some recent snaps.

I am presently working for QUALCOMM, the pioneer of CDMA Technology used for wireless communications, as an ASIC Design Engineer. Prior to this, I completed my Masters in Electrical Engineering. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison . The very flexible curricular requirements at UW gave me an oppurtunity to take courses in my both of my interests, Digital design and Digital Signal Processing (DSP). My Masters Thesis gave me an oppurtunity to use my fundamentals in the area of Real Time Systems. I have been very lucky to find a job at QUALCOMM that gives me an opportunity to refine and developmy skills in these areas. My interest in this area of Design for DSP applications started in my third year of my Bachelors program at the University of Madras where I coauthored a couple of papers with my colleague/best friend Shuba Swaminathan. Recently I filed a patent in the area of architectures for third generation wireless communications.

Papers Published:

  • My resume has list of the papers and projects I have worked on . I will put a copies of all these papers here soon.
  • My Links:

  • You will find a lot of information on hardware design and signal processing here