Welcome to Ts-Tech's Home Pages

This is a homepage design by Samuel Cheuk-Wai Tsang


Updated by Waiwai99 07/05/2002

Waiwai99's Personal Data Library

WEB NEWS: #1 UEFA photo

#2 New Tech Assess Project Available (in year 2002 section)

#3 New ComNet Research Project Available (in year 2002 section)

#4 Engineering Project Available (in year 2002 section)


SPRW Century Technology 2000

UTS Engineeeeeeeer!!! BEST Friends Forever !!!!!!!!!

> <



Welcome Year 2001 !!!!

Happy year of snake to every one!!!!!!!!! as always hahahaahah !!!!!!!!!!!!!


"UTS Engineering Football Association 2002"


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Useful web site:

Hotmail Web site


UTS Homepage

Ray's World (My friend's page !!!!)

Electromechanical System Web site 2000

Software Development Web site 2000

Circuit Analysis Web site 2000

waiwai99world 2002

graphics files

VNC (updated 1/3/00)

Useful Software: VNC, D/L mobile remote contol(update 22/3/02)

Free Software (updated 1/3/00)

Useful Software:Clworks, D/L and install it to view my notes, and useful information!!!!!!! (update 1/3/00)

* UTS EFS 1999 (updated 1/3/00) EFS Assignment and Execise for 1999 1st sem, (updated 1/03/00)

EFS journal for 1999 1st sem, (updated 08/3/00)

* UTS Physics Modelling 1 1999 (updated 17/3/00)

Physic modeling 1 technical report, (updated 17/3/00)

* Electronics 1999(updated 17/3/00)

Electronics 99 LAB REPORT 3 - OpAMP (in PDF format), (updated 8/8/00)

Electronics 99 LAB REPORT 4 - OpAMP (in PDF format), (updated 8/8/00)

Electronics Lecture notes, (updated 17/3/00)

Summing Amplifer solution, page 1, (updated 5/4/00)

Summing Amplifer solution, page 2, (updated 5/4/00)

* Electromechanical System 2000

EMS Lab 1 Report result (jpg format), (updated 10/03/01)

EMS Lab 2 Report result (jpg format), (updated 16/08/00)

* Enginneering Communication 2000

letter, (updated 20/3/00)

Engineering Communication Group Report, (updated 27/3/00)

Group report part 1: introduction and structure, (updated 30/3/00)

Paper 1: Engineering report, (updated 09/4/00)

* UTS Software Development 2000

SPR Technology - Network Shopping Project (updated 01/7/00)

Software Development Major Project (stage1) update (27/3/00)

Software Development Major Project (stage2, all documents) update (27/3/00)

Software Development Major Project (stage3, SRS Documents v1.2) update (18/4/00)

Software Development Major Project (stage3, SRS Document v1.3 full Zip Document) update (05/05/00)

Software Development Major Project (stage4, SdS Document v1 Zip Document) update (22/05/00)

Software Development Major Project (stage5, Final Source code v1.3 release Version) update (01/08/00)

* UTS IDS project 2001

IDS assignment update (14/09/00)

* UTS Tech Assess Research project 2002

Tech Assess Project Audit report (15/04/02, 3:22pm)

  • Smart Card Article Reference list
  • Legal Considerations - should still apply to SmartCards(15/05/02, 3:22pm)

    Smart move by Smart Card industry(15/05/02, 3:22pm)

    Vic Policy on Smart Cards(15/05/02, 3:22pm)

    Smart Cards general Info(15/05/02, 3:22pm)

    Electronic Trading Market(15/05/02, 3:22pm)

    * UTS ComNet Research project 2002

    ComNet Project Webpage v1.0 (15/04/02, 2:22pm)

    ComNet Project Webpage v1.8(17/05/02, 10:22pm)

    ComNet Project webpage zip format v2.1 ** most update (27/05/02, 2:45pm)

    ComNet Project Proposal (16/04/02, 4:45pm)

    ComNet ** Project presentation-min v3.1, actually presentaion slides (02/06/02, 4:45pm)

    IEEE 802.11B-1999 standard (09/05/02, 4:45pm)

    IEEE_with_Bluetooth.txt(09/05/02, 4:45pm)

    art_5.pdf(09/05/02, 4:45pm)

    * UTS Eng Managment project 2002

    Sample Development Plan from SE (02/04/02)

    Sample Quality Plan from SE (02/04/02)

    1st Meeting Diary page 1 (02/04/02)

    1st Meeting Diary page 2 (02/04/02)

    1st Meeting Diary page 3 (02/04/02)

    Proposal structure outline v1.2 (10/04/02)

    2st Meeting Black Board photo (11/04/02)

    Gantt PDF chartv 2.0 (07/05/02)

    Working program v2.0 (07/05/02)

    Network chart v2.0 (07/05/02)

    Finalise Proposal v2.0 (07/05/02)

    Introduction reference document (24/05/02)

  • Article Reference list
  • Art1, Tech changes (07/05/02)

    Art2, Changes model (07/05/02)

    Art3, Organisation Changes model (07/05/02)

    Allocation Tasks for each member

  • Planning Phase
  • Tasks:

    Responsible Personnel:


    1. Project objective / Goal

    Samuel Tsang


    2. Project Outline

    Eric Wu


    3. Team Management Process



    4. Project Milestone

    Samuel Tsang / Chris Leung


    5. Work Breakdown structure (WBS)

    Chris Leung


    6. GATT Chart

    Chris Leung


    7. Resource Management



    8. Meeting Schedule

    Samuel Tsang


    9. QA Management



    10. Risk Management



    11. Group Log

    Samuel Tsang


    12. Project interview invitation letter



    13. Proposal Review



    * Alan Chan Computer Graphics Assignment 2000, update (10/4/00)

    Centre (0, 0); dimension (4, 4); max iteration = 80.

    Centre (-0.56, 0.642); dimension (0.12, 0.12); max iteration = 160.

    Centre (-0.62056, 0.6112); dimension (0.0013, 0.0013); max iteration = 100.

    Centre (-0.811536, 0.20144); dimension (0.0032, 0.0032); max iteration = 160.

    Centre (-0.0956, 0.95912); dimension (0.003, 0.003); max iteration = 240.

    Centre (-0.164, 1.038); dimension (0.12, 0.12); max iteration = 160.

    Constant (-0.3, 0.7); centre (0, 0); dimension (4, 4); max iteration = 60.

    Constant (-0.3, 0.7); centre (-0.32, 0.4); dimension (0.6, 0.6); max iteration = 80.

    Constant (-0.56, 0.642); centre (0, 0); dimension (1.5, 1.5); max iteration = 80.

    Constant (-0.56, 0.642); centre (0, 0); dimension (0.35, 0.35); max iteration = 100.

    Constant (-0.71, 0.3); centre (0.49, -0.16); dimension (0.6, 0.6); max iteration = 240.

    Constant (-0.811536, 0.20144); centre (0, 0); dimension (3.2, 3.2); max iteration = 80.

    * Alan Chan Computer Graphics Assignment 2 2000, update (23/5/00)
