This page contains information about the 6811 microcontroller. Please feel free to send me any information that you think should be added to this page. Comments and suggestions. Schematics and information.
I hope that this page will grow with the input from 6811 users.

Chip Directory
Information on all types of chips can be found here. The 68HC11 page under this directory contains information on the instruction set, the IO-registers... The page also contains more links to 68HC11 related sites.
68HC11 Microcontroller FAQ
Posted 27-Jan-1996. Russ Hersch's 68hc11 FAQ in an HTML format. About the 68hc11. Sources of information. Products. Documentation.
Text based FAQs
Some text based FAQs on Orion's Embedded Systems Information Page. Contains a basic microcontroller FAQ. And FAQs on the 68K family, 68hc11, 8051, VMEbus, and the COP8.
68HC11 Microcontrollers Resources
Contains information and resources. AS11 Cross Assembler. Discussion Lists. Lectures. More links. FAQs. Info and more info.
Motorola microcontrollers
Motorola, Inc. Microcontroller Semiconductor Chip Web Page. Contains information on 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit controllers such as 68hc11, 68hc12, 68hc16, 683xx ... Get your copies of the technical docs here!!
More Motorola - less specific
Semiconductor WWW page. On-line searchable Master Selection Guide and OEM price book. 'MFax' service to request all kinds of data sheets. Other stuff.
F1 Controller HomePage
An embedded controller based on the MC86hc11F1. Contains manuals, sofware source, PCB stuff, and pictures. Also contains the 68hc11 reference manual. The 86hc11A8 databook (this can also be found at Motorola's site above. Has a link if you want to download procomm.
Scrumpel web page
Some Scrumpel files. A monitor. A downloader. Maybe some schematics later?
Electronic Cookbook
Circuit Cookbook Archive at
CGN Technology Innovators
Home of Wire Wrap Accessories for the 68hc11. Has data and pricing for their products. Also had lots of schematics. Check out the site, check out the schematics...
CW Technology
Electronic kits - including the Miniboard information.
SBasic Distribution
SBasic distribution. Also has tiny4th compiler.
Free Integrated Development Environment
(30 day trial) IDE11 : Integrated Development Environment for the 68hc11
68HC11 Simulator
(crippled trial version) Site for 68HC11 Simulator for Windows. - motorola
Recommended Software (under construction)
68HC11 Simulator
This is a very useful utility for 68hc11 deveopment. It supports most of the 68hc11 familly of microcontrollers. Allows you to modify memory addresses and registers... execute and debug programs. Good for playing around with the memory and testing external circuits.
Must have if you're looking for a communications program. Easy to use, lots of features, and small. This has been the communication package of my choice all the way from the 8088 days to the Pentium. Use it to communicate with a resident program on the controller, get visual feedback throught the serial on what the chip is doing. Simple, yet powerful means to debug...
You have to assemble right? Well here's how you go about it...
68hc11 Homepages... (under construction)

Last updated: Thursday, November 7, 1996
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