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Tair's Home Page

Hello everybody!

This is my first page so please don’t be angry.

I really like the whole idea of Internet and this site particularly. And thou I would like to contribute something to this community, still don't know how yet. Any guess will be appreciated.

About me: I am a programmer (Delphi, C++ and so on), also have some practice with handling hardware (PABXs, Networks, Radios and so on).

Music: What? You mean this bing-bang? Ok, I love it of course. Not everything, not every group. Really only few things from Deep Purple, Jean Michel Jarre, Luba (Don't know who is she. But I really love one song - "Let it go") and some others.

Movies: "Blade Runner", "Hitcher", "Dune", "Neverending Story".

Girls: Yes, they are great. Some of them are even clever. Some of them are even could make you crazy. Oh, boy…

Computers: Computers are boring, boring, boring. But we need them. You couldn't say you like water, but how to live without it.

For my friends: E-Mail me at tairabdullayev sobaka yahoo.com

Please visit this page too:

Elchin Zeynalov, my good friend, and good programmer also http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Network/1014/

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