The VENONA Project. In July 1995 the Intelligence Community ended a 50-year silence regarding one of cryptology's most splendid successes - the VENONA Project. VENONA was the codename used for the U.S. Signals Intelligence effort to collect and decrypt the text of Soviet KGB and GRU messages from the 1940's. These messages provided extraordinary insight into Soviet attempts to infiltrate the highest levels of the United States Goverment.
Decrypted Secrets: Methods and Maxims of Cryptology by F.L. Bauer.
Handbook of Applied Cryptography.
Cryptography, in particular public-key cryptography, has emerged in the last
20 years as an important discipline
that is not only the subject of an enormous amount of research,
but provides the foundation for information
security in many applications. Standards are emerging to meet
the demands for cryptographic protection in most
areas of data communications. Public-key cryptographic techniques
are now in widespread use, especially in the
financial services industry, in the public sector, and by individuals
for their personal privacy, such as in electronic
mail. This Handbook will serve as a valuable reference
for the novice as well as for the expert who needs a wider
scope of coverage within the area of cryptography.
It is a necessary and timely guide for professionals who
practice the art of cryptography.
Cracking DES.This book was written to reveal a hidden truth.
The standard way that the US Government recommends that we
make information secure and private, the "Data Encryption Standard" or DES,
does not actually make that
information secure or private. The government knows fairly simple ways to reveal
the hidden information (called "cracking" or "breaking" DES).
Many scientists and engineers have known or suspected this for years.
The ones who know exactly what the
government is doing have been unable to tell the public,
fearing prosecution for revealing "classified" information.
Those who are only guessing have been reluctant to publish their guesses,
for fear that they have guessed wrong.
electronic version.
Applied Cryptography : Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C by Bruce Schneier - Offers an authoritative introduction to the field of cryptography, suitable for both the specialist and the general reader. The book adopts an encyclopedic approach to cryptographic systems throughout history, from ciphers to public key cryptography
The Codebreakers; The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication from Ancient Times to the Internet by David Kahn - A detailed history of cryptography.
Secret Code Breaker: A Cryptanalyst's Handbook by Robert Reynard - A useful book on how to solve a variety of cipher systems with a computer. Separate chapters describe the Skytale cipher, Polybius Square cipher, Caesar cipher, Vigenere, Transposition, Monoalphabetic Keyword and M-94 ciphers. Other chapters explain the use of frequency analysis, the German Enigma cipher machine, and how to use the computer programs which simulate the operation of the M-94 and the Enigma machine.
Secret Code Breaker II: A Cryptanalyst's Handbook II by Robert Reynard - Reynard highlights the history, background and use of each cipher type and procedure, i.e. cribs and RTA, with many interesting details. Among the 50 ciphers to solve are 16 genuine secret messages encrypted by Enigma, Larrabee, Vigenère and other cryptosystems.
Digital Fortress a novel by Dan Brown
When Susan Fletcher, a brilliant NSA cryptographer,
is called in to decipher a mysterious
code the agency has just intercepted,
she discovers the NSA is the target of a billion dollar blackmail
scheme that threatens
to unleash the worst intelligence disaster in U.S. history.