Screw the Older Browsers, It's All CSS Now!

Yes, that's right, it was time for an annual makeover. And what have I done? Well, no more Times New Roman, for one thing. For another, the source of this page is XHTML-compliant, as if that matters (with the exception of the !DOCTYPE, but do you really care?). But most importantly, layout is handled with CSS. No more <CENTER> tags or anything like that; it's all styles now, baby.

This site is used for basically two things: it's my personal start page, and it hosts my (unfinished) guide to interactive fiction, Inform for Beginners. Someday I'll play a few games and get a bug up my butt to finish it. If you don't know what interactive fiction is, try the I-F archive.

My links. (Gorgeous color scheme, don't you think?)
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