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Welcome to the 3D Multimedia Warehouse .  My name is Colin Cutler, and I am the creator of this web site.  This page is dedicated to bringing you free graphics and animations.  At the present time, my main goal is to create *free* personalized 3D graphics for anyone to put on their web pages.   

I will accept any requests to make a 3D logo, animation, etc., for a web page.  Basically I will create any computer generated graphic art that you want.  If you have a request for a 3D animation, or a totally unique logo, just e-mail me and tell me what you want.  It will be very helpful to me if you specify how large you want your animation or logo to be (i.e. 320x200, 160x100, etc.), what file format you want (all animations will be .gif ar .avi), and your web page address (so I can see what your page is like).  So go ahead, browse around, and see if there is anything you like.


Click on any of the choices of the image map below to begin browsing.



Visit my Hot links page for some Cool sites

Don't forget to e-mail me with comments or requests!  

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Last updated 4/1/98!