Secret's Place

Hi..... Welcome to my homepage. What you see is what you get, don't really have the time to put into coding a page currently, as I'm in the middle of studying and taking tests to upgrade my Windows 2000 MCSE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer) to the new Windows 2003 MCSE, as well as finishing up my Novell Certified Engineer (CNE) and Certified Citrix Enterprise Administrator (CCEA) Certifications.

Microsoft Certification If you are interested in working towards an MCP, MCSE or any of the other certifications that Microsoft offers, this is the place to start..

Novell Certification If you are interested in working towards a CNA, CNE or any of the other certifications that Microsoft offers, this is the place to start..

Brainbuzz A well designed website with numerous resources for attaining certifications from most major vendor certification programs.

Cramsession This link will take you to Cramsession. This site provides fairly brief overviews of the information you need to know to pass hundreds of different certification tests. THE most used part of my personal study regimen is to carry around a copy of the cramsession I am currently working on, wherever I go and studying as I have a spare minute or 2. Highly recommend this site.

MP3 Tools and Utilities
My Request ListThis is a list of the mp3's I am currently looking for.

Full CDs ListThis is a list of all the full cds I have available in MP3 format.

Exact Audio CopyYou can download the freeware program I use to rip cds at this site, it also has a lot of good information if you are having problems using the program.

Monkey's AudioThis is a freeware audio compression utility which provides for true lossless compression.

MP3 Tag StudioThis is a shareware ID3 tagging utility with some very powerful features which should server all your tagging needs.

WinampYou can download my personal favorite mp3 player, Winamp here.

Internet Explorer Download Internet Explorer

My Kids, Grandson and Tattoo's
The following are some pictures of my 4 children, Jasmine, Krystal, Devon and Alex. I've recently added some pictures of my first grandson, Jaden. There are also some mediocre pictures of my tattoos.

Jaden - My Grandson
Me and Jaden
My Kids
Me and my Kids
Dragon Face Tattoo
Monk Smoking Pipe Tattoo
Skull Headed Jester Tattoo

I'm always interested in finding new and useful tools and utilities for working with MP3's, if you can recommend any, feel free to email me at the address below.

Send suggestions to

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