modAlity 1.2 
It's free!  


    modAlity is a high-quality player for digital music modules (MOD/S3M/XM) on IBM-PC compatible machines running Microsoft® Windows95. With its Win95 conform GUI it is best integrated into the desktop. 


    • Playlist 
    • TNA-support 
    • Plays MOD, XM, S3M 
    • Two instances are made to one 
    • Stereo/Mono/16Bit/8Bit configurable 
    • Automatic file-check 
    • Shuffle/repeat/repeat1/backwards/forward-playing features 
    • Drag'n'drop 
    • Extremly optimized Win32-Code 
    • Win95-GUI 
    • Freeware 
    • Based on the MIDAS sound system by Petteri Kangaslampi 
    • Instrument-list 
    • And much more... 


The main-view of modAlity devided into three panels. (control, playlist, instruments)  

System Requirements 

    • A Windows95-PC with Microsoft Windows95 installed
    • A soundcard with installed drivers 
    • 486 (33Mhz), better a Pentium 
    • 8 Mb Ram 


    • Version 1.2 

    • 9.4.97 The second available version of modAlity with a large quantity of bugfixes, and many more new small features. (Uses MIDAS 1.1)  
    • Version 1.0 

    • 7.1.97 The first version ever made available on the Internet. (Uses MIDAS 1.0beta)  
    • Version 0.5 

    • 6.15.96 The first working preview of modAlity 


Contacting the author 

    This program is "emailware". It can be freely distributed as long as every user sends me an email. 
    For suggestions, tips or bug-reports, please email to: 
    I will try to response immerdiately, but I cannot guarantee.  

    Lennart Poettering 
    Hamburg, Germany

How to get MIDAS work with Borland C++ 5.0 

    modAlity was programmed with MIDAS and Borland C++. Normally MIDAS does not work with BC. To get it work I had to use a certain DEF-file. 
    Please send me an email if you want to get "midas10.def" or "midas11.def" for getting bc5-programs work with midas10 (midas11). 

Installation Instructions 

  • Load modAlity 1.2 down. 
  • Create a new directory, where modAlity shall be installed into. 
  • Unzip modAlity into this directory. 
  • Start "modality.exe" 
  • That's all! 

Tips & Tricks 

  • You want to add many files to the play-list at one? Just select them all in the "add"-dialog with pressed [ctrl]! 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How can I add files to the play-list?  
    There are many ways to do this: 
    You can double-click on the "not in list..."-entry of the play-list. Or you can use drag'n'drop with the explorer. Another way is to start modAlity a new time with the files set as command-line parameters. The files are now passed from this new instance directly to that one, which is already in memory. 
How can I select the soundcard, on wich modAlity plays the music?  
    You cannot do this. MIDAS does not support this feature. 
Why does modAlity not have a really help-file?  
    I just did not have the time to write this help-file.
What for digital music modules can I play with modAlity?  
    The file-formats, modAlity does support, are MOD, XM, S3M. Impulse Tracker will follow soon.
How can I buy my own version of modAlity?  
    You cannot! modAlity is "Mailware" (for more information see left)
What is the meaning of the "=>"-button?"  
    This button changes the actual played track according to your play-order selection. e.g. When the "Forward"-button is enabled, it plays the next file. When "Shuffle" is on, it plays a randomly selected file.
And where is the difference to ">>" and "<<"?  
    These two buttons change the actual played song directly to the next/previous. It is unimportant, whether "Forward"/"Shuffle"/"Backward" is enabled.