GreenNight's Home Page

Last Improved Today.. or Tomorrow???

Aquesta pāgina tambe en Catalā.

Counter at last :)... You are the st nicest person in the world.

Wellcome to my homepage, this is the list of contents:

  • Programming.
  • Games.
  • Friends' sites.
  • Me.


    Well I'm trying to make my own game, like nearly all the students. It will be programmed with GNU , a fabulous 32 bits compiler (and it's freeware) :). Whenever I make something I'll place it here,.. just be patient.

    I hate Microsoft and Bill Gates, but I think he's a fabulous salesman. I also don't like much the way intel works, but I work with its procesors.

    For anyone who still uses assembly, like I do sometimes, here's a link for a nice assembly page.

    By the way... Spectrum rules!!

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    When I'm searching for a game in the World Wide Web I usualy get to Happyppuppy. It has plenty of games and cheat pages and links.

    And I was looking for the Eittris page but I didn't find it. It is a fantastic multiplayer-tetris for up to 4 players.

    Another game I like is MK3. This is the page of the people who made the game. It is a nice page.


    Sorry.. I tryed it and I could not resist it :___( I want two or three

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    These are some friends' pages:

    System Halted's Home Page.
    Mārius Montón Home Page.
    Thass' Home Page.
    Web Catalunya.
    Kakarot wants to Netfight.
    Shak the Webmaster.
    Day by Day.
    MadMan is not Mad.

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    I study in UAB near Barcelona. I'm from Lleida. And I like programming, games, RPG and more things. Perhaps I will say more about me in the future but I think you known enough by now :) .

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    This page is growing quite nice, I hope soon I'll make the frames version too :).

    Have a nice code :)

    I've drawn all the drawings,except the separators :(, but if you want to use them you're free to do so.

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