Learning what tools you need, free compilers, libraries, faqs,specs,etc | Learning about things like lists,trees,graphs,neural nets, backprop,genetic algos | Implementations of algos in asm,c,c++,pascal,basic | Where it all amounts too is the area of my programming interests |
Shared(!) homepage for developers working on a qbasic compiler in
qbasic | ( Old love lies deep) | |
Me: that is someone interested in such a variaty of things like economics, psychology, filosofie,
programming, humor, etc. Another definition would probably include my degree in psychology,
which however never worked out. For me it remained a work of love, friendship and dependancies...
Last few years I did mostly programming: for work, for spare time and to learn. At this moment
I am activaly searching for a job in a programming assignment, but I have to warn you: You can
ask me what you want but I will never wear a suit and a tie. Period. You won't believe how many
times that very statement of mine was the tight to a break switch..;-). Still we are maintaining that
things are quite well in this country...we even signed up to the anti-discrimination
laws of the EEG. As with all things: proof is in the pudding.
This pages are mainly about programming. I am mainly interested in the creative process of
designing programs, but of course I am not unfamiliar with the "sweat" piece of the process of
programming. However, the main reason for this page is the overflow of the internet on the
commercial side, and the underflow of content on the other side.
The main target population of things below will be highly educated people, whom, like me, want for
some reason to learn about various topics related to programming. Because of our background it is
often very frustrating if you have to get your knowledge from the net/usenet. Either the knowledge
is widespread, or it is not available at all, or it is presented in a "small piece by-very small piece"
way which will took you years to learn about even the most simple things.
Even if you are so lucky to find out about online university courses or something like that exists it
will took sometimes a long time to find the pages, and after that sometimes a lot of online time to load the
whole course too. Another problem is that when the explanation is rather good, sometimes there is
no code or pseudocode attached, or the other way around.
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