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My name is S.Ganapathy Subramanian. I live in Chennai formerly Madras, a coastal city on the south India. It has a beautiful beach and Hindu temples that are more than a thousand years old and have the most magnificent entrance structure called Gopuram.

I live with my parents Mr & Mrs.Meenakshi Sundaram with my one brother and two sisters. I am gifted with a bunch of great friends all over the world.

I lived in the U.S. from May 95 to September 98. I consciously decided to come back to India to be with family and enjoy the spiritual culture here. I am happy with my decision. I got married and passed PMP exam and so on. Reading Valmiki Ramayana regularly with the help of my Guru. I have a cute Maruti Alto now. Back in US I drove a Nissan Altima. A Black Beauty. Real nice car.
(Beware! I am talking you into looking at a picture of me near the car:-)

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