





Last Update 7/30/96



The Scoop on this page:  
First of all VB Rules!!  Why program in VB? First of all it is the easiest language to learn.  Practically anyone can pick it up and come up with an intiutive program in just 5 min, not just some "Hello World" Crap.  Second of all it is powerful, fast, and widespread. Ever since the release of VB 5.0 we now have a native code compiler that beats out Visual C++ 4.X, specially in graphics.  So no more bull from C++ programmers that VB is slow.   Third and most important of all CREATIVITY. Yes, there are great programmers that can code a super 3-D snazzy graphics game, but will it be fun?  Have we forgotten why we began typing in basic programs from magazines in the 80's.  It is because anyone could be a star creating fun games that had crappy sounds and horrible graphics.  You just have to make a game. Sure it will suck, but at least you have accomplished something great a playable game!  Later all things will become easier. Now thanks to Patrice Scribe and his DirectX 3.0 Type Libs for VB, we can do fast graphics, 3-D, and super sound.  So go ahead and enjoy my page!     Thanks,  

Zorro Vb kicks C++ image

Getting Started with VB Game Design:  
1. Get VB 4.0 or 5.0   
    I suggest getting VB 5.0 from MS because of raw speed due to its native code compiler and not interpreted code.  It does really matter if you get the Standard, Prof, or Ent editions because only the Prof and Ent editions contain the Native-Code Compiler. 

Some Tutorials to get you going in VB:  
--QP7 VB Tutorial--  
--VB 4.0 Tutorial--  
2. Get a Graphics Design Program   
I suggest you obtain a nice graphics editing program that allows pallette saving and loading.  Here are my favorites:  
 Paint Shop Pro 4.1 (The one I live by, you cannot beat the price)  
 Adobe Photoshop 4.0 (For real heavy proffesionals and wallets)  
 NeoPaint (A great Dos paint program, and many features)  
 WGT Sprite Editor (It comes in a package, but the edtor is free)  
If you plan to use Direct 3-D  or 3-D rendered Graphics you will need a 3-d editing program.  Here are the cool ones:  
 Caligary Truspace 3.0 (This is truly a great program)  
 Kinetix 3-D Studio Max (Again for real Proffesionals)  
 Fractal Design Ray Drean Studio (Good package!)  
Miscellaneous Graphics stuff:  
 The Sprite Lib for those of us that cannot draw also some graphics Utils.!  
 Zanimator Sprite Animator Tool (Written By me has some little bugs)  

3. Bedtime Reading:  
You will defenetally need more than my little page has to offer, so check out these wonderful books up for sale:  
 The Black Art of VB Game Programming by Mr Pruett(VB 3.0 and 4.0 this book contains the essentials of any VB game programmer)  
 Instant VB Animation by Michele Leroux (Nice Lady who shows Real cool low level graphics programming, really helps for using the DirectX TLB's)  
 VB 4.0 Network Gaming Adventure Set by David Allen (This book is an incredible resource for learning network gaming and Direct Play )  

Special thanks to all of you VB'ers out there making the gaming world a better place to live.  

Also a special thanks to, Home of the free Homepages.  

Please support Microsoft(tm), because without them this page would not even exist.  

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Zorro the VB Hacker

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game programming