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Eran Yahav's Homepage
Name: Eran Yahav
Nick: mumbles
Age: too damn old
Degree: Computer Science BSc, currently working on MSc
Love: Java, C++, Smalltalk, Simulations, Compilers and programming
Hate: People who hate other people.
- Object Oriented Programming
- Can find the IBMers and me writing about C++ virtual function optimization at USENIX CONFERENCE ON
- Simulation
- Take a look at Zviki Cohen's and my simulation project at The WORM Project
- Can also take a look in the DEVS Archive for
more Discrete Event Simulation stuff.
- And be sure to look at Simulation
Programming which is still under growing pains.
- Artificial Life
- Why don't you take a look at Artificial Life Online .
- SmallTalk
- The coolest language around.
- Why don't you have a little taste of smallTalk with ParcPlace's Smalltalk Express.
- Or if you are a real pro (and can afford it) take a look at VisualWorks.
- Now that you know smallTalk, you can use the stuff at UIUC Smalltalk Archive.
- Java
- First, you gotta take a look at
- and at the JavaWorld - Java
- Other Links
- "Jabberwocky"--Lewis Carroll
- HTML Goodies - The Master List
Middle East Sites and Documents

Copyright 1997 Eran Yahav
Last revised: 15/02/99.
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