Hi and welcome to MY WEB SITE, the place where you will find many interesting links about: hamradio,wefax,satellites,packet radio,satellite tracking software like WINORBIT,shorwave radio,aprs software,freeware,Packet software,Hamradio newsgroups and THE HOTTEST DIGITAL MODE PSK31..If you're an Amateur Radio Operator and want your web page to be added to the link list,feel free to drop me a note via e-mail and I'll be glad to put it on the list.

What are Packet gateways?
Packet gateways are links from Radio amateur Packet stations to the internet and viceversa.(You must have a valid callsing to get access)
Did you know that you can access the packet gateways via INTERNET?.
Check your repeater directory for listing of all the packet stations in your area or follow the links to connect to the packet gateways.

Created by Luis Velis
Amateur Radio Operator
Last Updated 01/07/01