To learn more about Youth Services of Tulsa, click here but right now I will tell you a little about Project Safe Place.
Safe Place provides network of locations
where young people in crisis or at risk can get help quickly.
Through the partnership of volunteers and business, Safe Places sites
are located throughout the Tulsa metropolitan area.
When a young person goes into a Safe Place location and asks for help,
an employee will call Youth Services. The Staff will then phone a
trained volunteer who will immediately go to the Safe Place site to
assist the youth. The volunteer will either wait with the child until
a parent arrives, tranport the child home or to the shelter, or take
other appropriate action.
Where are Safe Places?
Approximately 60 QuikTrip stores, Tulsa, Bixby, Berryhill, Jenks and Owasso
Fire Department stations and all MTTA busses in the Tulsa area are designated Safe Places.
To learn more about Safe
Places in Oklahoma and throughout the United States click on the
Safe Place Logo.
Click here to learn more about becoming a
ProjectSafe Place Volunteer.
Teens click here for fun and games on the internet
*******************************************************************************************************What kind of programs does Youth Services have? You will soon be able to click on any or all of the items listed below to find out more information.
A place to turn for a temporary home.
In times of extreme family
conflict or personal crises, teens find solace at Youth Servics Adolescent Emergency Shelter. A temporary home away from home is provided until the teen can move to a secure placement. Staffed by professional counselors around the clock, teens are provided life-skills and continuing education, supervised recreational activities, and personal counseling while at the shelter.
A program providing education on teen issues and developing peer leadership
Why Youth leadership
They Listen to other Teens, They help Teens deal with Peer pressure, Provide positive role models,
Can give back to the community and Can impact teen social problems
You'll learn About
Group Building, Values/Family Dynamics
Communication and Listening Skills, Cultural Sensitivity
Alcohol and Drugs, Sexuality/Gender
Dating/Decision Making, Sexually transmitted Diseases
Sexual Assualt/Abuse, Suicide Prevention
Who can become a Peer Leader?
Youth between the ages 15-19 who agree to undergo 42 hours of peer
leadership training, commit to work as peer counselors for two hours
a week for a year, are flexible, openminded, patient and nonjudgmental,
respect the rights of clients, believe in the family unit, and believe
in youth/adult partnerships.
Building a Foundation for Mental Health
Raising Children and Solving Problems
Getting Help
Lessons address issures of mental health, self-esteem, child development, parenting responsibilites, parenting styles, realities of raising children, parenting myths, positive discipline techniques, and emotional abuse. The curriculum uses discussion, vidios, role play, written assignments and demonstrations. Take home letters and brochures are provided for parents. Youth Services furnishes student workbooks.
The Youth Services of Tulsa offers the program free of charge to interested middle and high schools.
For more information or to set up a presentation, contact Youth Services of Tulsa, ask for Kim Camp.
918-582-0061 or
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Soon I will be giving you some information about Transitional Living.
Links to other sites on the Web
Project Safeplace in America
Youthlink home page
Teens check this site out
Job Opportunities
Guide to Internet parenting
Learn more about free speech
Acekids games
College Assist, preparing for college
Nutritional Research
Learn more about Disney
A good link site
on the vistor's list.
Safe Place
What is Safe Place?
Safe Place provides a network of locations where young people
in crisis or at risk can get help quickly. Through the partnership
of volunteers, QuikTrip, fire stations, and MTTA buses, Safe Place
sites are located throughout the Tulsa metropolitan area. Safe Place
is a project
of Youth Services of Tulsa.
How does Safe Place Work?
When a young person goes into a Safe Place and asks for help,
a trained employee will call Youth Services of Tulsa. Employees
are trained to respond to youth in crisis and provide a safe
environment until a volunteer arrives. The Youth Services' staff
will then phone a trained volunteer who will immediately go to the
Safe Place site to assist the youth. The volunteer will either
wait with the youth until a parent arrives, transport the youth to
the shelter, or take other appropriate action.
Where are Safe Places?
Approximately 60 QuikTrip stores, Tulsa, Bixby, Berryhill,
Jenks and Owasso Fire Department stations and all MTTA busses in
the Tulsa area are designated Safe Places.
Be a Teen-aider. Become a Safe Place Volunteer
Youth Services of Tulsa is looking for conscientious citizens who are
interested in working with Project Safe Place as volunteers. Safe Places are being established
throughout the community at locations where young people can go if they need help quickley. Volunteer s
are needed to assist in Project Safe Place. Each volunteer will select two primary months per year
after a brief training session on crisis intervention and resolution
techniques. During their primary months they will be the first
volunteer called to respond to a child in crisis at their Safe Place
location. This is a unique volunteer opportunity in that provides a vital service
to children who need help, yet it does not require a burdensome time commitment
from any one individual. As a volunteer, you will help troubled
youth who are vulnerable to exploitation and criminal elements on
the streets.
How can I help?
Become a Safe Place volunteer.
Volunteers are called to respond to youth who request help at a
Safe Place site in their neighborhoods. Eight hours of training
is provided to volunteers.
Volunteers present information about Safe Place, Youth Services of
Tulsa, and personal safety to youth in homeroom settings. Presenters receive 12 hours of training.
A small time commitment can make a great difference to a young person in crisis.
YST screens volunteers who are then provided training and periodic
in-service training.
Pass the word.
Let kids and parents know there is free and confidential help for
them through Youth Services of Tulsa.
Make a donation to support Safe Place.
** YES I want to be a volunteer.
** YES I want to know more about Project Safe Place.
** YES I want to know more about Youth Services of Tulsa.
** YES I would like to make a tax- deductible donation.
Write or Call us at
*Adventure Based Counseling*
Assessment, Drug Specific Information
Positive Value Shaping, Decision Making Skills
Alternative Activities
Ropes Challenge Cource, Initiative Games
New Games, Backpacking Trips and Day Hikes
Rock Climbing, Canoeing
Biking, Orienteering
You'll Learn
To do something exciting, To use self control
To get along with others, To get along with your family
To help your community
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