George B. Gilley


Formal Education, Professional Experience

Achievements, Honors, Awards, Publications

Other Documentation Available Upon Request


My present objective is to secure a full-time position, in the Computer/Networking career field, with a stable well-established company. I'm interested in advancement in the Information Systems or Network Services environment with reference to Network Engineering opportunities.



Certification Testing : CCNP ..... Cisco (BSCI) Routing .....

Certification : CNE 5 ..... Novell Professional ID # 66xxxxx .....

Certification : CNA 5 ..... Novell Professional ID # 66xxxxx .....

Certification : CCNA 2 ..... Cisco Authentication ID # CSCOxxxxxxxx .....

Certification : A+ (CompTIA Training) ..... Verification ID # D5FDxxxxxx .....

Certification : MCSE NT 4 ..... ..... Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer NT 4.0 ..... (MCSE)

Certification : CNE 4 & 3 ..... .....

Certification : CNA 4 & 3 ..... .....

Certification : Apple (Apple Technical Training) .....

Hardware Platforms : IBM PC Compatibles; Apple MacBook Pro; HP Pavilion Media Center; (MIL-Spec Computers); Apple Macintosh Classic; Compaq Proliant Servers; HP NetServer LC-series; HP Pavilion; Compaq Presario; HP Vectra; Dell Dimension; IBM Aptiva; Apple II Series; IBM XT-AT; Cisco 2900 Catalyst XL Switches; Cisco 2500, 2621 Routers; Cisco, 3Com & Bay Networks 1900 Switches; Linksys BEFW11S4 WireLess Broadband Routers; Linksys WAP54G Wireless-G Access Point; Apple AirPort Extreme Wireless Network Connections; Linksys WPS11 Wireless Print Server; Linksys WAP11 Access Point; 3COM Cable Modem; Linksys BEFSR41 Broadband Routers; Motorola SB5120 Cable Modem; SpeedStream 2500 DSL Modems; Netopia 3346N DSL Modems; Linksys BEFSX41 Broadband Firewall Routers; Hughes HN-7000 Satellite Modem/Router; Directway Satellite Antenna (Dish); Manageable FastEthernet 10/100 Base-T Switches, Hubs and Concentrators; JetDirect multi-port adapters; USB Storage Devices; 1394 Firewire Drives; Flash RAM Modules; Network-based Laser Printers; Multi-Fuction Printer/Fax/Scanners.


Software Platforms : Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition; Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 Server; MAC OS X v 10.4.6; Windows Vista Business; Windows 2000 Server; Windows XP Pro; Netware 5.0 - 5.1 Enterprise Web, FTP, News, MultiMedia, Web Search Servers; Windows XP Small Business/Home Edition; Windows 2000 Professional; NetWare Client32; Linux 7 RedHat; Novell BorderManager Server; Windows ME Millennium; Windows 98 2nd Edition; IntranetWare 4.11 Server; Novell Certificate Server; Windows NT 4.0 Workstation; NetWare 4.1 Server; Oracle 8i Data Server; Microsoft SQL System 7.0; Windows 98; Windows 95; Windows NT 3.51; Windows for Workgroups 3.11; MS-DOS 3.x - 6.22; NetWare 3.12 Server; OS/2 Warp 3.0; AppleProDOS.


Software Applications : MSOffice 95-97-XP-2003; QuickBooks 2001 - 2002; Novell Apache Firewall WEB Server 2.0; 1.1; Novell Samba File & Print Server 1.0.2; Cheyenne ARCserve 6.5 for Windows NT; Norton Internet Security 2006; SyGate Manager Service; WinProxy 3.0 - 5.1 Internet Sharing & Firewall Services; AutoCAD 2000 for Windows; CA Security Center; Norton Personal Firewall 2004; Drive Image 7; WordPerfect 4.2 - 6.1; Word 97; Microsoft BackOffice; Microsoft Word 5.0 - 6.0; Excel 5.0; Microsoft Works 3.0; Lotus 4.0.


LAN/WAN Topologies : Ethernet 10 Mhz, 100 Mhz, 1 Ghz - (CAT 5 & 6) (RG-58, RG-59, RG-6, UTP, STP); RF Microwave; Radio (HF, VHF, UHF); Tele-Communication Technologies; ISP Cable (5847Kb/s)(450 kb/s), ISP DSL (768Kbps)(384Kbps), Dail-up Networking (.3 to 56Kbps); (Basic Fiber Optics and Fibre Channel Technology); ISP Satellite (700kbps to 2000kbps).


LAN/WAN Diagnostics Tools : Microsoft Remote Desktop; ConsoleOne Manager; HP Openview; PC Anywhere 8.0 - 12.0; Microsoft SMS-Computer Management Console; Norton Utilities 8.0; NDS Manager; Schema Manager; JetAdmin 3.4 - 4.0; Norton AntiVirus, McAffee Anti-Virus, WinProxy Anti-Virus Services; Microsoft DHCP, WINS, DNS Server Services; RAS Server Manager ; NWAdmin32; NetWare Web Manager; Novell NLS, DNS/DHCP, DDNS, NDPS, NSS, NDS eDirectory Services; LANalyzer for Windows 2.0; NetWare Support Encyclopedia for Professionals; Microhouse Technical Library; NetWare Deployment Manager; NDPS Manager; NDPS Broker; Printer Agents; Gateways; DSREPAIR, VREPAIR, REBUILD, VERIFY Utilities; NetAdmin, Monitor, Pconsole, Rconsole, Syscon.


Internet Platforms : Microsoft Active Directory; Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 - 7.0; Safari 2.0.3; Opera 8.5.4; Mozilla 1.4.3; FireFox v; NetScape Communicator 4.0 - 4.7; EarthLink Network Explorer 5.0; CompuServe; Prodigy; America-On-Line 4.0 – 9.0; NetScape Navigator Gold 2.02 - 3.0.


E-Mail Platforms : Microsoft Exchange 5.0 - 6.0; GroupWise 5.2 - 5.5; Microsoft Outlook 6.0; Microsoft Outlook Express 5.0 - 6.0; MAC Mail 2.0.8; Red Hat Evolution 1.4; Microsoft Exchange for Windows 4.0; CC:mail 6.0; Microsoft Mail for DOS; Windows for Workgroups 3.11 E-mail.


Protocol Platforms: (NetWare): IPX, RIP, SPX, SAP, SLP, NAT, CMD, LDAP, NTP (Internet): TCP, IP, UDP, ICMP, Telnet, FTP, LSP, NNTP, IGRP, OSPF, RARP, ARP, IPv6 (AppleTalk): LocalTalk, AppleShare (DNA): SDLC, ISO8327 (SNA): Token-Ring, SONET/SDH (IEEE/ISO): Ethernet Wireless 802.11 g,n; Ethernet 802.3 RAW, Ethernet 802.2, Ethernet II, Ethernet SNAP, (FDDI): Ethernet_fddi RAW (WAN): HDLC, ISDN, PPP, Frame Relay, IARP (Layers 2&3): STP, ISL, CDP, CLI, VPN, TFTP.

Formal Education, Professional Experience

Achievements, Honors, Awards, Publications

Other Documentation Available Upon Request