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Internet Link Exchange


Have you ever entered a keyword or two in a search engine, only to be presented with 8000 hits? Then you spend half the night searching to find the ones that are relevant!
Well I've put together what in my opinion are some pretty good resources, and I hope you enjoy them as well.

Note that I have taken some liberties with color on these pages. Please email me with opinions/problems.

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BBS | Games | Magazines | Miscellaneous | Nascar | Search | Shareware | Shopping | Sports | Television | Awards | Submit URL


All 32 Bit software archive. Searchable. Constantly updated


All windows software archive. Searchable. Constantly updated. Windows 3.x, Windows95, Windows NT


A compilation of shareware that does not have a nag screen or other such crippling side-effects.


New(ish) software archive. Updated constantly. Searchable


Monster software archive. Searchable. Updated constantly and easy to navigate


Stroud's Consumate Winsock Apps. Everything for your "Net needs". Updated constantly. Searchable


The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software. Large collection. Updated constantly. Graphically pleasing site!


Huge software archive. Part of C|Net.com. Searchable. Updated constantly. Dos, Windows, OS/2, Unix

Author Direct

Software available directly from the author!

Win-95 Central

Large collection of software for the Windows 95 Operating System. Constantly updated


Good collection of software for the Windows 95 Operating System. Updated constantly

Randy's Win-95 Center

Collection of software for the Windows 95 Operating System

Best Zips.com

Good collection of shareware, author look-ups, program searches, CD-Rom give-a-ways and more.

Shareware Shop

Large collection of shareware, reviews, shareware want-ads, giveaways. Good site!


Shareware, evaluation software, etc. Clean looking site. Long descriptions. Categorized, searches, featured files.

Nascar Online

A comprehensive site for everything Nascar. Winston Cup, Bush Grand National, Trucks, everything! Includes race schedules, points, driver profiles, chat room, race results.

Winston Cup Online

A very good site for Winston Cup. Contains all race information, driver information, schedules, points.

IDS Online

Lots of Nascar links, schedules, results, fan pages, driver pages, scanner frequencies.

PC World

The online version of PC World

PC Magazine

The online version of PC Magazine


The online version of Boardwatch (full content)

PC Computing

The online version of PC Computing

Computer Life

The online version of Computer Life

Windows Sources

The online version of Windows Sources

L.L. Bean

Limited online selection but has resources for all their clothes

Land's End

Another good company which just happens to be based in my home state!

The Disney Store

For everything Disney. This is their own site!

The Click Click Shop

A new(ish) online mall. Lots of fun stuff.

Internet Shopping Network

You know 'em, you love 'em.

Granny's Web Warehouse

The source for low cost software and hardware. Unused or refurbished products at low prices (some in limited quantities) Online ordering.

Wishing Well

The Queen of BBS stuff! If you can't find it here....you don't need it!

Shane's BBS Doors

Lots of good door links. Includes some door author email addresses


A comprehensive listing of Searchlight BBS's searchable by location

Eagle Capitol Software

Good door author's page. Supports his programs and replies to email


The authors of RIPaint, RIPscript.....everything RIP! Note: They're working on ripping the web!

Searchlight BBS

Authors of Searchlight BBS. Their software supports ansi, rip and rip-2. Killer graphics. The easiest software around when setting up doors! I use it for my BBS - The Northern Lights (804) 526-8278


A Fox affiliate local to the Richmond, Virginia area.


An NBC affiliate local to the Richmond, Virginia area. Has links to weather, sports, etc. Well done.



MGM Home Video



HBO Company site. Everything you wanted to know about them is here, including HBO produced programs. 1 warning: after the initial page, the site can become VERY graphic intensive!

Games Domain

Fantastic collection of everything related to games on and off the net. Very popular game site

Happy Puppy

Tons of games available for downloading. Just about everything related to gaming including hints, cheats, network play, more!


ESPNet covers just about everything!

Major League Baseball

Mom, apple pie and.......


The NFL on showcase


The NHL in all it's glory

College Sports Channel

Archive of college sports across the United States. Just click on the state in the map!

Sports Illustrated Online

All the stuff Sports Illustrated is famous for......online!

All Sports!

Covers the NFL, MLB, NHL, PGA, NCAA, NBA, MLS, CFL, Pro Tennis as well as scores! Boxing schedule. According to the author, Motor Sports and Horse racing is coming soon.

Soccer Net

The ultimate soccer site. All the latest match reports, statistics and even live score updates for all English and Scottish divisions.

Tennis Web

Collection of hundreds of tennis links....all in 1 place.

Women's Sports Page

Very extensive collection of links and articles relating solely to women in sports. Definitely a must see.

Remember When

Contains alot of information from the 50's, 60's and 70's. Re-live the days of doo wop, rock and roll, muscle cars, drive-in movies and just plain fun!

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Background graphic © Pam Bytes