Welcome to the #ULTiMate home page.
IRC stands for Internet relay chat. It is a great way to make new friends or talk to old friends (and not have to pay phone bills). Getting connected is not as hard as it seems. Just click on the pirch icon below for all the software you need, their page also contains some useful links. Once you install pirch you will connect to an IRC server and join a channel. In my opinion #Ultimate, is the kewlist channel on Undernet. This page tells a little about what it is and the people that are behind it. Formed from the vision of a few people from Michigan who were sick of other channels.  The official channel eggdrop bot is ULTiMaTE. So drop on in and have some fun. Use this page just like windows click on an icon.





Thanks To Everyone Who's Helped With the Channel and These Pages.

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Channel Founders: Mattmc, Red23, Rage, gAndrew  Web page content: All the Regs  Web page design: Mattmc

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