Do not link directly to any files. I will sue you, I am mean! :-0

Currently Available: 64mb Version (CVR3)

Evil Kyro 1.94
Version 1.96 states that it is for the Kyro 2, and will not work on all cards!
** Version 1.96 states that it is for the Kyro 2, and will not work on all cards!
Evil Kyro 1.107

Currently Available: 32mb Version (CVR3S)

Evil Kyro 1.107

1.) Download the file
2.) Unzip the contents to a working bootdisk
3.) Reboot the computer with disk
4.) Type
5.) Reboot, reinstall drivers, ENJOY!

For those of you that receive memory compatibility problems please download this version of flash and add it to your boot disk.

By downloading this update and flashing your card you

are taking matters into your own hands by possibly voiding

your warranty, as this BIOS has not been officially released!


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Ich schläg Du mit Haß, weil Du seien nicht das selbe als Mich.