IK4DRV's Home Page

This page has been saw by pair of eyes

        Hi, and welcome aboard. 

    My name is Martino (by my friends, best known as 'Marty'), 
    and I am interested on packet radio. 
     I am running a system with Winpack 6.2 + Winpscape 2.0+ Netscape 3.01, and
     I download html pages from my bbs. It works ! Sure ! At 9600 bauds seems to be
     really on internet.........I'm talking about the ......speed ....ha ha ha ha !
    Here are some other ham's pages:

   UK Six Metres Group..... Nice pages, friends !
     F6FBB Here is where the FBB BBS comes from.

   IZ4AKO Pierluigi is a Linux' devoted.

     F17 Ham Club where Ronni DL8FCX is the pagemaster.

   For 6 meters band lovers, here is the link to the SixItalia group   

    Are you interested on cw meteorscatter ? Try this program.

    FBB Server. Takes ALLFILES.TXT and it convert into HTML Pages
    Winpack Server. HTML Pages generator

    Winpack Server. BBS Remote sysop Assistant
   That's all for now,  

              Best 73 de.....

                                           IK4DRV Martino


or via the packet radio network     IK4DRV@IK4ICZ.#RA.IEMR.ITA.EU


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