This page shall henceforth be known as "Mark Reid's time
capsule web page". wanna know why? I almost never update
it. this is the first time in a few years. that's a REALLY
long time for web stuff. I was actually surprised that this
web page was still here. Thank God I didn't put a hit counter
on here, or I'd be really depressed right now. Anyways, I
was perusing the HTML stuff on here, and it's like a look
back in time. pretty cool. I would definitely recommend
putting up a web page on Geocities and letting it sit around
for a few years, collecting dust on their server. Then you
can go back and see how much you've changed. But I digress.
Please, proceed, and I apologize for interrupting the
seamless flow of my homepage experience.
A waiter will arrive in a few moments to bring you your menu. Please have a seat at any empty table.
hello, my name is Mark, and I'm a Canadian, like all good people of the world.
Someone once e-mailed me and told me I wasn't allowed to say what I just said. Too bad.
another note: please don't look at the source for this page. it's awful. I swear, my programming style is a million times nicer.
so, this must seem like a fun page eh? well it isn't
if you have a suggestion for what to add to my page(or what to take off) you can email me, and I might even listen.
come back in a while and it might be really good, ok? yeah, that's good.
I've received a grand total of
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