Yes, you are correct, you have FINALLY reached Mark Reid's HomePage

This page shall henceforth be known as "Mark Reid's time
capsule web page". wanna know why? I almost never update
it. this is the first time in a few years. that's a REALLY
long time for web stuff. I was actually surprised that this
web page was still here. Thank God I didn't put a hit counter
on here, or I'd be really depressed right now. Anyways, I
was perusing the HTML stuff on here, and it's like a look
back in time. pretty cool. I would definitely recommend
putting up a web page on Geocities and letting it sit around
for a few years, collecting dust on their server. Then you
can go back and see how much you've changed. But I digress.
Please, proceed, and I apologize for interrupting the
seamless flow of my homepage experience.

A waiter will arrive in a few moments to bring you your menu. Please have a seat at any empty table.

hello, my name is Mark, and I'm a Canadian, like all good people of the world.

Someone once e-mailed me and told me I wasn't allowed to say what I just said. Too bad.
another note: please don't look at the source for this page. it's awful. I swear, my programming style is a million times nicer.

so, this must seem like a fun page eh? well it isn't
if you have a suggestion for what to add to my page(or what to take off) you can email me, and I might even listen.

come back in a while and it might be really good, ok? yeah, that's good.
I've received a grand total of oneemail regarding this page. You gotta think SOMETHING about this page, like it or hate it...

Another thing I really regret is putting embedded midi sounds on this page. that was a bad idea. I can't remember if i disabled them or not, but I don't want to get rid of the HTML, because it took forever to figure out how to do it so that the sounds would play in IE (crap) AND Netscape (good). I'll just go set the volume to zero... done. If you want to embed a midi in your page (please don't), then and ONLY then are you allowed to look at this page's source.

now it's time to play with perl scripts.

What's the absolute BEST thing you can buy for $2.00? I'm trying to compile a list of all the good stuff you can get for 2 bucks because... well... uhh, I don't really know why. The point is, hopefully eventually I'll have a nice variety of stuff I can get if I've ever got a nice shiny $2 coin burning a hole in my pocket.

Oh yeah, you should probably read the list before you add something, in case it's already there.

best thing:

What if there were no hypothetical situations and where would we be without rhetorical questions?

oh wow... that blows my mind, man.

The following is a little something that kicks serious ass. It tells you when and where your favorite bands are playing. Most of my favorite bands don't have any tourdates posted, but give 'er a try.
was created by musicians for musicians and music fans.
Search their database by artist, city or venue.
Search by:

Also, check out Pollstarfor more touring information. Sometimes they lie though, they said Roach Motel was not currently on tour, but then they played at El Mocambo in Toronto. Speaking of that show, Jumby sucks.

Download this game and play it, it's fun. It's called Sopwith.

If you're looking for the latest in virtual pimping technology, it's here on my homepage thanks to Eric Boudreau and Mike Kristopeit

click here to download

you may email me at, or just click here to send me a message

links anyone?

quotations from around the web

click here to listen to a kick ass song my friends and I wrote/recorded.

for all your Nasa-ish needs and wants
pez. nuf said. actually, it's not the pez homepage anymore... not nuf said I guess. it's now the useless information headquarters.
try this one!
altavista, the best of the search engines
books N stuff(like anyone reads anymore)
Geoff's home page
The best place to get guitar tab I've found: OLGA
A cool java chord dictionary with all the chords your heart could desire

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