
I am 20yr Female, mother or a beautiful baby girl named Abigail ( see pic ), and I love my boyfriend Jeff very much.

This is cool!

My work


In my spare time, (if I ever get any with my daughter!), I like to go to the bar with friends and either just hang out or dance. I like to rollerblade, bike riding, walking, and going to the beach. I work with computers, so of course, I like to work on my computer.

    To wind down after a long day, I like to cuddle with Jeff and watch movies.

My intermediate family, consist of my 7 month old daugher Abigail Elizabeth, My boyfriend Jeff, and myself, AManda. Outside my intermediate family, we both have medium size families.

Our Friends, arent the usual hang out everyday friends, they are the come and go friends, sometimes they are there for you and sometimes they arent. My best friend from 1st grade Donna is there for me when I need a shoudler to cry on, and so is my good friend Nicole, who is also there for me when I need her.
     Jeff's friends are all weird, first there is Joe, he's a little funny- he dances like GUMBY and drinks like a fish, but still cool as hell. Then there is James, he's the one who always looks like he is thinking "whats going on???" and then there is Matty-- all I have to say is PIMP ( thats for you Nicole!!)