This site is used to show some examples of programmation (HTML, JavaScript, CGI, ...).
Vous pouvez consulter le "GeoCities World Report" Vol. 2 no. 13 (et les précédents) en français à l'adresse /SiliconValley/Heights/1700/geo2-13.html.
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"Graffit'It !" is a virtual wall which you can «tag» : you can write your messages on it (as simple text or in HTML), your poems, links to your site or to your prefered pictures, and you may use it to test bits of HTML or JavaScript ...
"Graph It !" is an applet, written in JavaScript, which uses pictures in XBM format, dynamically created, to draw the graph of mathematical equations of the kind y = f(x).
You have accomplished a great job and now your site is verging on grandeur ?
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