16 JUN 2009
Updated RFToolbox Info:
RFToolbox - RF Design Program.
19 FEB 2008 :
19 OCT 2007 :
Added KM1558. KM1558 is another site with India Ministry Photos
Check out KM1558
19 OCT 2007 : Added an interesting picture of an old industrial building. There is a clickable hot-spot on the picture. A stick figure man will wave until you click on him a second time.
18 OCT 2007 : Removed "The Den of Science!" wav sound that would play every time the page loaded.
31 JULY 2006 : Deleted Fish-n-Jim page to make room for
Photographs of Koinonia Fellowship of
India Vacation Bible School - Summer 2006
29 JUNE 2006 : Cleaned up a bit...
10 JAN 2006 : Added
A Short Date History of US Postal Rate Increases
26 AUG 2005 : Added
A page about a picture of "The Guys!"
17 MAR 2005 : Added
Packing for India!
27 JAN 2005 : Added
Formulas - Electronics Guide AZF30000-100 from the year 1980
29 OCT 2004 : Added
Silliness: Get ready for... Karate Jeff!
01 SEP 2004 : Added
A fun page with my good friend Vince!
05 APR 2004 : Added: A thoughful banner about what our Lord did for us.
05 APR 2004 : Added
My friend, Frank thinks his last name is McGee!
02 APR 2004 : Added
19DEC02: Added BattleZone Logo - Animated Screen
03MAR99: Added 555 Timer - component design program.
03MAR99: Added RFToolbox - RF design program.
28FEB99: Added Chess Challenger "7" information.
28FEB99: Added a page with a bit of information about my trip to India.
Koinonia Fellowship - 1999 India Trip
28FEB99: Added
BattleZone High Score screen information.
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) hardware links
Aeroboto hardware info
How I gave my life to Jesus Christ
Here is a good document detailing the 6809 processor.
Chess Challenger 10
Chess Challenger 7
Koinonia Fellowship - 1999 India Trip
BattleZone High Score screen information.
BattleZone Logo - Animated Screen
Some of Dana's links
DejaNews - USENET nesgroups
The Atari Vector Game Page
PHILIPPIANS 2:5-8 (KJV) 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 2:7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 2:8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.