
Emmeview is a small program written for viewing the dimensions of an Emme/2 databank. It also extracts the names of scenarios etc. The program is written for Windows 95/98/NT.
You can download Emmeview 1.0 (133K) and read the more detailed description, that comes along with it.
The program is written with Delphi 2.0 by Uffe Kousgaard, who you can reach by e-mail at: uffe.kousgaard@get2net.dk

Emmeview was a small sparetime project and is not being developed any further, but if you want the source-code, please e-mail me and I will try to find it somewhere in the archieves. For now you should visit RouteWare, which might be of benefit to you, if you are doing network analysis.

A few links of Emme/2 relevance:

visitors since 18-Nov-1997.

Last updated on 22-May-2000

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