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Project Management using ProjeX

Welcome to the home page for ProjeX. Take a look at What's New in our web.

ProjeXTM is an Excel add-in that replaces some of the functionality of Microsoft ProjectTM when tracking projects using Gantt charts. The user does not need to spend hundreds of dollars on a piece of complex software when ProjeX can quickly and simply track progress using Gantt charts and Excel’s standard functionality.

As an Excel add-in ProjeX requires very little extra disk space (unlike Microsoft Project) and does not require the user to learn yet another software package. All Gantt sheets are generated from Excel sheets and produced as either Excel sheets or charts. This gives the user all the power and flexibility of Excel without the training overheads of battling with Project.

Want to see how easy it is to produce an example Gantt chart using ProjeX ?

It has been requested we provide a series of worked examples showing how ProjeX can be used to plan and track projects :

  • Example 1 - Depth migration project showing how to build a project plan and define a series of ProjeX dependencies and track the progress of a project.
  • Example 3 - Combining several projects to produce an overview of how things are going.

Have an old version of ProjeX ? Upgrading to the latest version is now simple.

What's New

The following is a list of recent additions to our web. New releases and updates will regularly appear here with older releases and details being regularly deleted. The most recent changes are listed first, and each item is linked to the page with the updated content.

August 3rd, 2002

February 25th, 2001

February 22nd, 2001

November 17th, 2000


October 22nd, 2000

July 10th, 2000

November 8th, 1998

September 3rd, 1998

June 21st, 1998

September 5th, 1997


Future Developments


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For problems or questions regarding this web contact [products@waa-inc.com].