
Click on the rose and choose a song, if Real Player
is installed on your computer!
Alexander Gorodnitsky's songs:
Alexander Sukhanov's songs:
Victor Berkovsky's songs:
Otherwise click image below to load Real Player free!

Here is one nice KAIST view
South Korea gallery
Iceland gallery
Samsung Research Center New Year Party 2008 gallery
My interests:
Development of Samsung Embedded Linux Platform and Virtualized Operation Systems
Parallel Processing for Multi-Core and Multi-Processor Computer Systems with Shared and Distributed Memory
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Numerical Analysis (Numerical Solution of Multi-Dimensional Problems for Partial Differential Equations)
Direct and Inverse Problems for Hyperbolic Equations
Optimization Problems (Multi-Dimensional Variational Hyperbolic Problems)
Finite Element Methods
Bioinformatics and Mathematical Methods in Human Genetics
Algorithm design and programming
