Well, I can`t be bothered to write, so go to Yasu`s profile page.........
This page is about biking.... All kind of bike including BMX, mountanbike, trials and road racer.There are stuff about competition, leasure ride, stunts and city ride. Check it out!
This page is all about photography. I will soon put some of my photography work so keep checking this page. There are things about me and photography and tips for beginers and compact camera users. So, even if you do not know anything about photography just visit this page, it might be useful......
Completely RENEWED!!!! Now, let me get into world of LINUX...... Currently, I am trying out the Red Hat Linux 6.1 on a cheap ass computer. I am still a linux beginner but I will write the record of all the problems and solutions I have come across. So please help me if you are a linux expert. There will be some introduction of extremely small(but powerful) laptop computers such as Toshiba Libretto series.
Canada is one of the BEST place to snowboard in the world. This page introduces some local skiing/snowboarding area in Ottawa region. Coz this page is recently opened, it is still under construction but check out what I have so far!!
This page is for my friends at United World College of SEA. If you are currently UWC student or ex-UWC student, visit this page. You might find your old friend here.... Well, there is list of my friends at UWC and has e-mail address and other information about him/her. This page is still under construction and the pictures of everybody is not avairable. Well, keep checking, I will soon buy a scanner when I have enogh money and put up really cool pictures.
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Temporary closed due to restriction of MP3 file distribution and copy right issue....
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