Little Guy's (temporary) home on the web

Guy Tavor
ICQ: 6266082

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Bookmark Gets updated automatically every hour (24 hrs a day, at exactly hr:12 minutes). So if you pay attention, you can see my footprint on the net.
Private News-group On interesting, yet private, 'matters of the hour'. You will need a username and password to login.
File Archive Archive of files related to all my fields of interest. Programming, hacking, Unix, knowledge management, search engines and much much more. Actually there aren't that many cool things here, I am just saying there are, because I know you will need a username and password to get in. mek mek.
Books The JAVA tutorial
Java API reference
Creations of mine
PopCheck A sophisticated yet very light client to read POP email, which include message headers, multiple accounts, remote message deletion.
JAVA Pager A paging client/server system (a la ICQ et al) written entirely in Java, sources included.
Internet Suitcase Synchronize your files (bookmarks, docs , etc..) between multiple computer platform u work with. click for instructions.
Universal Browser A full fledged content driven internet browser, based on XML and HTML. The browser accepts methods and properties along with its data file, and change its behavior accordingly. I made this project as a part of my work in Optimedia, so the sources and binaries are not yet here for download. email me if you want to get a copy.
IIS 4.0 Authentication system Soon
Artificia LTD Co-founded one of the first Israeli presence and content providers. mek mek. among the sites we have created: Mizrahi bank, Bezek 144 (graphic design only) , Ilanot Discount, Motorola cellular ,Arome and more.

- Email me Page me PGP @ work PGP @ home -