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SpydarGrafix³ HTML Learning Center

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Sam's Teach Yourself HTML 4 in 24 Hours
One of the Teach Yourself Series, this book teaches from the basic layout through managing your website.

     This site was produced for people who, like yourself, want a link to the Internet world, and receive assistance with their Web page design. At SpydarGrafix³ we will help you make your own Web page with the lessons that will be posted periodically in our tutorial section. We will be more than happy to assist you in any way we possibly can. Take a tour of the site and see everything that we have to offer you. If there is something you are interested in, and you don't see it here, please e-mail us and let us know. We will do all we can for you!

     First let's start learning HTML. In the Design HTML section we will teach you how to make your own Web page, and answer any questions you may have.

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