D.B.Srinivas Rao

Personal Information

Current Employment Program Manager
Lucent Technologies - InterNetworking Systems
+91(80)5522 2059(Work)
+91 98457 66565(Cell)
E-Mail db.srinivas@gmail.com

Education and Training

Bachelors Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from BMS College of Engineering,
Bangalore University in July 1994.
Secured 8th Rank for Bangalore University among approx. 2000 students.
Currently in Final Sem MBA through IGNOU

Professional Training Programmes

  • SARB System Architecture review for Telecommunication Systems by Lucent Technologies SARB team for 3 days
  • PROPS for Project Managers, 3 day training on Project Management at Karlstad, Sweden conducted by ,EPMI ( Ericsson Project Management Institute ).
  • Software Internal Audit course conducted by QAI for 2 days
  • Leadership Communication Course conducted by AsiaWorld Management Inc, Malaysia ,Richard Townsend at New Delhi for 6 days
  • Time management workshop conducted by Franklin Covey
  • Advanced DCOM Programming conducted by WinfoWare for 5 days
  • Sybase Database Administration, corporate training conducted by NIIT for 5 days
  • WIN32 Programming conducted by WinfoWare for 5 days
  • Object Oriented Analysis and Design conducted by Quality Assurance India for 5 days
  • GSM System Survey certificate course conducted by Ericsson corporate training division
  • MFC and C++ conducted by Aptech for 5 days
  • Software Industry Experience

    Total Experience of around 10.5 years in Software Industry
    Working as Program Manager,
    Lucent Technologies India Ltd. - InterNetworking Systems, Bangalore.
    Overseas Exposure
    Worked at Lucent Technologies, Bohemia , NY for business and technical discussions related to SQM project
    Worked Overseas for Lucent Technologies Inc, Westford USA
    Worked Overseas for Ericsson Radio Systems, Sweden on multiple assignments.
    Worked Overseas for Siemens AG, Germany for over a year through SISL on different assignments
    Worked for FI Ltd, before joining SISL

    Technical Experience

    10.5 years of experience executing more than 7 projects with a team of 8~25
    engineers which includes work for Lucent Technologies Inc. USA, Ericsson AB. Sweden, Siemens AG. Germany and SDS Inc. USA.

    Familiar with the following

  • Domain knowledge in Telecom/GSM , Networking, Automation and Transportation domains.
  • Extensive experience in Software Project Management using various tools handling large teams involved in multi-product development across different programs
  • Object Oriented Analysis and Design using C++ and Rational Rose
  • Multiplatform exposure to Solaris, Windows and Embedded Systems
  • Design and Development of MS Windows Applications using C/C++ and MFC/SDK
  • Through knowledge of Windows Internals
  • Familiar with Socket Programming
  • Configuration Management and Source Code Control across different development sites
  • SYBASE Systems Administration
  • Quality Management Systems and ISO 9000 Guidelines and Procedures, Certified Internal Auditor
  • Operating Systems Sun Solaris 2.6-2.9, Microsoft Windows 2K/NT/95 and 3.1, COSPAS
    Languages C/C++, Java
    Libraries ODBC, CORBA, DCOM, TMOS, MFC and WIN32 SDK
    Tools/Packages InstallShield , Rational Rose, SoDA, XML Spy
    ClearCase , ClearQuest, RequisitePro, BoundsChecker , CCover, Purify, PCLint etc.
    Databases Oracle 8i, 9i, Sybase Adaptive Server 11.9.2/12.5 64-bit, Versant, Replication Server 12.1, Btrieve, MS SQL Server
    Project Experience

    Project VitalSQM
    Client Lucent Technologies Inc.
    Duration May 2003 onwards (Lucent Technologies NOS and Lucent Technologies , NY, USA)
    Team Size More than 50 Engineers working on the project globally across 3 development sites
    Platform Sun Solaris 2.8/2.9/Win2K, C++, XML, Oracle
    Product Information : VitalSQM™ Service Quality Management software helps you simplify service quality management and consistently deliver on service level commitments for advanced, revenue generating services across your wireline or mobile networks. The system, which supports next-generation technologies such as IP/MPLS, 3G and wavelength-based optical switching, automates the process of measuring and reporting service level agreement (SLA) status. It provides your network operations staff and decision makers with the information they need—from the users’ perspective—to take prioritized actions to assure SLA compliance for your customers.

    Project Work : Development is focussed on the Middle Layer which performs realtime computation of Service Quality indicators based on raw data from the network elements. The expression processor is based on an engine developed initially at Bell Labs.

    Responsibility and Contribution:

  • Completed R1.0 release 2 days before schedule.
  • Completed R1.0.1 and R1.0.2 release as per schedule. Currently handling R2.0 release and planning R2.1 release
  • Product trials ongoing at TNZ, SFR, Telstra and other service providers
  • Development management for this new product
  • Handled technology transfer from team at Bohemia, NY where the initial work was done. Prototype was developed by team in a short duration of time.
  • Responsible for estimation, planning , scheduling, quality procedures, software/hardware procurement, testing and release related activities
  • Architecture responsibility for the team in India
  • People management activities include objective setting, performance assessment and feedback, recruitment interviews and mentoring

  • Project NiEMS 2.0 PSAX, Telesto Productization
    Client Lucent Technologies Inc. - InterNetworking Systems
    Duration April 2002 to May 2003
    Team Size 25 Engineers(More than 200 Engineers working on the project globally across 5 development sites)
    Platform Sun Solaris 2.8, Borland Appserver, XML and Java EJB
    Product Information : New and existing customers of Lucent network elements are presented with different EMSs to support different types of network elements. NiEMS 2.0 serves the following purposes: (1) allows Lucent EMSs to transition to one platform (2) dynamically configurable to minimize new releases of software to correspond with new releases of network elements and (3) provides FCAPS functionality.

    Project Work : The current development involves the productization for the PSAX devices to integrate with the platform. This involves implementation of device attributes and operations for PSAX devices into the XML schemas published by the platform. Similar requirement to support Telesto device

    Responsibility and Contribution:

  • Assigned the task of Program Management and Project Management for this critical project which will determine the roadmap for future EMS development in Lucent.
  • Program Management activities for Telesto product productization
  • Requirement analysis and estimation
  • Ramp up and training of newly formed team for this task till the final size of 33 development engineers and 20 test engineers.
  • Member of SARB review team for OMC project
  • Estimation, Risk Management and Progress, Metrics reporting and tracking for co-ordination between multiple development sites. Alignment of Milestones and Deliverables between the different teams.

  • Project Navis Xtend
    Client Lucent Technologies Inc. - InterNetworking Systems
    Duration Jan 2001 to April 2002 (Lucent Technologies NOS and Lucent Technologies InterNetworking Systems, USA)
    Team Size 19 Engineers
    Platform Sun Solaris 2.6 / 2.7 / 2.8
    Product Information : NavisCore is the industry's only fully distributed, multiservice element manager, handling IP, frame relay, ATM, and SMDS services from a single platform. Operators use one network management system to configure the end network, including service internetworking. All Lucent switches, including the B-STDX 8000/9000 and CBX 500, can be managed seamlessly through a common interface. In addition, support for the GX 550, PacketStar PSAX 1000/2300/4500 broadband access products further extends the service configuration and management down to the customer premises equipment. The NavisXtend servers provide Fault management, performance management and accounting capabilities to Navis Network Management suite.

    Project Work : Maintenance release EUROPA 8.0, EUROPA 8.1 Enhancements, Design & development in iEMS program. Sustaining Engineering for earlier releases.

    Responsibility and Contribution:

  • Technology transfer of the products comprising the Xtend servers from Lucent Technology Inc - INS, Westford, USA to India. This work involved interaction with the developers and management working with Xtend servers in Westford USA and performaing a smooth technology transfer to the India development centre. My task involved 4 products for the Fault Management and Performance Management. This was carried out between Feb - May 2001.
  • Project management activities for the Xtend Servers - totally 8 products and a team of 18 engineers. Responsibilities include estimation, release planning, project scheduling, risk planning.
  • Additional responsibility as Product Development Manager for these products after internal re-organization in Oct 2001. Responsibilities include product development planning. Initiated performance benchmarking and performance enhancements for the products.
  • Implementation of Warm Standby functionality including Replication Server. This involves automation of Replication Setup using Unix scripting and packaging the same as a product. Design and implementation of Data Access Server which is currently ongoing.
  • Setup of Xtend servers development environment in India for maintenance and release from India.
  • Responsible for estimation for new functionality in NavisXtend servers.
  • Ramp up and mentoring of team responsible for Xtend server development in India

  • Project CMS 30 OSS
    Client Ericsson Radio Systems AB, Sweden
    Duration July 99 to Jan 2001 (Ericsson Communications & Ericsson Radio Systems AB, Sweden)
    Team Size 7-11 Engineers
    Platform Sun Solaris 2.6, 2.7
    Product Information : OSS (Operations Support System) is Ericsson's support system for Public Land Mobile Network. CMS 30 caters to the Japanese PDC market.

    Project Work : Feasibility Study and writing implementation proposal for introducing a new Performance Management solution in the Phase 11 of OSS. This activity involved identification of different alternatives, cost and manpower feasibility, high level design etc. The new product called NWS ( Network Statistics ) features a web based interface using Java and with CORBA interfaces and Sybase database as backend. Project management activities include resource, time planning, release management and coordination with OSS node / Product management in Sweden. Maintenance and support for SRP (Statistical Reports Package). SRP is used to generate various Management, Planning and Graphical Trend reports for analysing network performance. It uses a Sybase database backend for storing the information from the various counters from the different network elements. Frontend is implemented using Applix. Also maintenance support for PMOJ ( Performance Monitoring ), Fault Management applications.

    Responsibility and Contribution:

  • Designated Sub Project Manager for Performance Management parts of Main OSS Ph 11 project from Sweden, leading a team of 11 members.
  • Participated in Requirements analysis for Ph.11 OSS in Sweden during Oct 2000.
  • Project Manager for OSS 9.1, Ph.10 OSS for a team of 7-11 engineers , responsible for all products (8 nos.) for the Japanese market at ECI. These comprise of OSS applications in Performance Management, Fault Management and Subscriber Management areas.
  • Member of Product Commitee OSS Steering group
  • Maintenance and Trouble report handling and management.
  • Technology Transfer/ Function Testing for SRP. This work was carried out at Linkoping in Sweden in August 99, November 99.
  • Participated in Job Rotation programme at Linkoping in Sweden in March 2000.
  • Release management for the product

  • Project FZB
    Client Deutsche Bahn AG & Siemens VT, Germany
    Duration December 97 to June 99 (SISL & Siemens VT Germany)
    Team Size 20 Engineers
    Platform Windows NT4.0, Sun Solaris & SIMIS 3116 using GNU C++, MSDEV 5.0 and CADUL V3.0.
    Product Information : FZB stands for Radio Train Control . This is being carried out by a Siemens and ALCATEL consortium for Deutsche Bahn AG of Germany. The first phase involves the development of a prototype system to prove the fesibility and to test the hardware interfaces. Ultimately, driverless train control is targetted.

    Project Work : The project comprises of two parts : The train borne application (TBA) which resides in the engine and interacts with the train borne equipment and the locating devices called balises present on the tracks. It is also responsible for all interactions with the train driver. This application is developed on NT and is designed for SIMIS 3116 microcomputer system running COSPAS real time OS. The second part is the Radio Block Centre (RBC) which is a part of the track side equipment and is responsible for handling of route maps and for issuing movement authority for the trains under its control. This runs on Sun Solaris platform. The software is responsible for using the route map and the information from the various sensors to determine the location and the speed of the train. The movement authority issued determines the spped profile to be followed on various sections of the track and also the location of the halt signal. This information is used to calculate service brake and emergency brake curves and to continuously monitor the speed of the train. The application instructs the driver on the permitted speed and the braking through display on monitor, indicator lamps and speedometers.

    Responsibility and Contribution:

  • Designed and developed framework for SIMBAS API which is the backbone for all safety critical communication for software for railways. This work was carried out at Braunschweig in Germany between Dec 97 and Feb 98. Also developed an interface with Microsoft Developer Studio to enable SIMBAS specific preprocessing and cross compilation from the same environment.
  • Responsibility include OOAD for TBE module. UML and Rational Rose was used for the same.
  • Implemented the main application state logic
  • Responsible for coding of the algorithms for computation of braking curves and for performing speed supervision and the complete design and coding of the Display module.
  • Participated in the Field trials and Acceptance tests for the Train Borne Application in Germany. The field trials were conducted on a special test train on a designated 50 Km test route between Stuttgart-Muenster and Kraichtal in Germany. Photos from the field trials

  • Project CT SOMARIS/5 P10-IRS
    Client Medical division of Siemens AG, Germany
    Duration August 97 to November 97 (SISL)
    Team Size 40 Engineers
    Platform Windows NT4.0 using MSVC++ 4.0 and WIN32 SDK.
    Product Information : Software for Image Reconstruction for Siemens P10 CT scanner.

    Project Work : The complete system consists of the P10 Computer Tomography hardware along with the associated system software parts. The project involved the development of image reconstruction and image processing software.

    Responsibility and Contribution:

  • Design and development of the basic services functionality like logging , memory management and signalling.
  • Responsible for developing Test Drivers for Unit Testing of the various modules.

  • Project HARDPRO Version 3.0
    Client Automation division of Siemens AG, Karlsruhe Germany
    Duration May 96 to July 97 (SISL & Siemens AG)
    Team Size 8 Engineers
    Platform MS Windows 95 using MS Visual C/C++ version 1.5 and 4.0
    Product Information : HARDPRO is a family of software tools for Hardware planning and design of Automation Systems for SIMATIC series of PLC. Includes modules which enables user to select appropriate PLC, components and related subsystems and plan the layout, generate electrical circuit diagrams, wiring documents. HARDPRO also includes a database of components and subsystems containing technical and commercial information with an interface tool.

    Project Work : Enhance the functionality of HARDPRO V2.3 by developing additional tools, developing an interface for STEP7, performance improvement, optimization and bug fixing.

    Responsibility and Contribution:

  • Interaction with customer for obtaining requirement specification at customer site in Germany.
  • Preparing detailed design document for team in India.
  • Customer Interaction and Coordination with team in India
  • Development of Object Manager module for providing SIMATIC STEP7 interface to HARDPRO applications. Developing Setup for the same.
  • Coordinating development during Integration/System Test phase of the product in Germany.

  • Project HARDPRO Version 2.3
    Client Automation division of Siemens AG, Karlsruhe Germany
    Duration December 95 to April 96 (SISL)
    Team Size 10 Engineers
    Platform MS Windows 95 using MS Visual C/C++ version 1.5/2.0
    Project Work : Porting HARDPRO V2.2 to Windows 95 platform from Windows 3.1 platform, Enhance the functionality of HARDPRO V2.2 by developing additional tools, performance improvement, optimization and fixing reported bugs

    Responsibility and Contribution:

  • Development of Thunk DLLs for interaction between 16 bit and 32 bit applications and DLLs.
  • Enhancement/Development of SETUP modules for HARDPRO applications

  • Project MarketWatch 3.0
    Client SDS Inc, New York, USA
    Duration September 94 to December 95 ( FI Ltd.)
    Team Size 10 Engineers
    Platform MS Windows 95 using SDK and MFC, WINSOCK.
    Product Information : MarketWatch is a package for providing online information for traders on the financial markets. The package is currently being used at the Commodity Exchange Centre (CEC) in New York. This includes online stock quotes, forex, news and other information. The data feed was supplied by S&P Comstock and Reuters.

    Project Work : Development of Feed Server and client applications for displaying stock quotes, news headlines, stories etc. Networking was done using Windows Sockets interface.

    Responsibility and Contribution:

  • Design and development of Server for Reuters 2000 data feed.
  • Providing Server and Client connectivity across the LAN using Windows Sockets interface.
  • Object Oriented design and development of Multipurpose charting application using MFC.
  • Development of prototype front end applications .

  • Other Projects
  • Worked on ProFormS an intranet application for SISL. It involved automation of claims processing through HTML forms. The claims are maintained in an MS Access database on server. They are automatically routed to the sanctioning authority. The originator gets notified about the status of the claim through e-mail messages.ASP with VBScript and Java was used for the same. The duration of the project was 2 months.
  • Development of Simulator and Assembler for Texas Instruments TMS320C10 processor at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
  • Development of control programs and user interface for controlling stepper motors and actuators connected to a robot arm.
  • Achievements
  • Cash award and appreciation for the quick response and effective support during Y2K phase.
  • Won multiple cash awards and appreciation for handling product transfer effectively and efficiently while at Ericsson.
  • Won appreciation from Customer for effective support during system test phase of FZB project. Also a cash award was given by the company for the work.
  • Member of Award Winning team for crossing the Quality threshold while executing HARDPRO projects.
  • Appreciated for problem solving abilities and quick results.
  • Completed all assigned projects within the allocated time frame.
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