MaD doG's Blow gunning Page

I am relatively new to blow gunning, finding it to be a captivating sport.  

You can make your own blowgun from common materials for less than 2 bucks, make a dozen darts for a couple bucks more, and begin practicing.

Once the aim gets reliable, many people begin to hunt with their blow guns.

The intent of this site is to share information I have obtained on blow gunning.  As always, it is solely up to the person using this information to do so responsibly.  Even a small caliber blow gun can be a lethal weapon, always use caution when firing your blow gun.  Adults should closely supervise children that are allowed to use a blow gun.  It is also the responsibility of each individual to check local laws governing blow guns, their use, and their use in hunting, if applicable.

If you are ready to begin your blow gunning experience and agree to abide by the intent of this site, please


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