Okay, I just wanted to say that Abhi Nellore is the greatest guy alive. He's _so_ awesome and smart and stuff. If I were I girl, I'd want him! Anyways, it has become apparent to me that people are *still* visiting this dead site...thus, I am closing it down.
But, fear not, my loyal followers (hmmm...OK....I guess that just means Abhi) I will return.
And I will be moving up from a "Cavern" to a "Citadel".
And it will be hosted locally off of my DSL link....as soon as I can figure out how to transfer from Windows to Linux *.
Your friendly neighborhood Inquisitor
Yes, I said Linux. This is only because I don't want my computer to slow down due to all the hits (it could happen) and the only spare computer I have is a crappy CompuAdd 486 (I swear that I own more CompuAdd products than anyone in the world!)