Yes, its me!!!!!

 "Kamalakar "

After finishing my Bachelors in Comp. Sci. in 1996,  I have joined Interdisciplinary School of Scientific Computing, University of Pune for my M.C.S. (1996-1998) with  Scientific Computing as my specialization one of the challenging area of prime importance.  Having done my Master's level project in Computational Chemistry with the Theoretical Chemistry Group  headed by Professor Gadre at Department of Chemistry, I joined  the same group as  JRF to persue my research carrier.

My Interests

I know the 1,2,3... of

  •  Windows Programming
  • Visual Basic 6.0
  • Visual C++
  • Fortran ,C ,C++
  • VRML
  • Computer Graphics
  • and many more... 

I am also interested in

  • Software developement in Computational Chemistry
  • Web designing 
  • Indian Filmi  music
  • Politics 
  • and the list is still uploading ... 

Current work: Currenly working on develpement and Visualisation of  various molecular Models and molecular properties.

My Resume

My favorites Photo Gallery

Comming up:

1. Photo gallery  2. Visualization of Molecules and their properties

Department of Chemistry,
University of Pune,
Pune - 411 007, India.

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