Credence- Bad Moon Rising - click to Start/Stop

Welcome to Willie World

As you will find out this site is still under construction. It will probably always be under construction though. I plan on having a SCRIPT page where I'll show examples of some real cool scripts and applets I have acquired from various places. For example if you click on the WELCOME applet above you will NOT get a link to the site where I found it because I stole it soooo long ago that the guy moved on.

I'll also have a LINKS page where you can jump to my family web pages and also find links to most of the applets and scripts used here.You are also welcome to steal any source codes I have and modify them to your liking.

Anyway that's the game plan. Who knows what will really happen here though? I'm just going to play it by ear and see what happens.
Please stop in again soon and visit, Things will always be changing. If you have any suggestions or comments.......
You can Email me at (Just click here or on the link below)


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