Ok. This is my webpage. I put it up here just to put it up here….somewhere to put up my files, and to post pics of me, friends, and colleagues. If you think its shitty, I know that already. Things will get better. Don’t you worry. Soon there should be some rants, some aim confrontations, and some dirty pictures. Uhm, no…not of me. heh…



Some pics of me, Mike D. : )


Uhm, that’s all the pics I have for now of anything….but if you got a pic, and wanna be up, drop me a line here or if your on AIM or AOL drop an IM to MattrixHax.


Here's some of the infamous DJ Sloppy T.W.A.T - the man without a plan……

1 Tequila, 2 Tequila, 3 Tequila, Table?