Cole Harris
Hi... and welcome to my pages.  Please excuse the mess, it has been a long time since I made a web page--back before tables and frames, back before anyone knew of Gore.  But, now that I've dated myself, hmm...

Now that I have a page, what to do with it?  I could rant and rave about the troubles of the world to an audience of one (maybe two if my girl-friend would read this).  I could talk about my hobbies--playing Dungeons & Dragons, computer games, and every other game I play.  I could talk about my girl-friend... but I don't think I will if its only her and me reading this.  I could talk about work... designing the computer games.  I don't know.  I think I'll try and figure out how to make a comment box so you, the reader, might be able to give a suggestion or two...



I did it HERE!

The default image... a guy tripped out on acid drew this...
Yahoo's Favorite Links:
Girl-friend's Resume
Yahoo! Games
Yahoo! Photos
Yahoo! Greetings
My Info: