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Daniel William Stewart

Daniel William Stewart

833 Cape May Place, San Jose, California 95133

home: (408) 251-5854  work: (408) 982-2965  cell: (408) 655-7369


resume softcopy: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Grid/9206/



Objective:            To gain a senior-level software development position.



Professional Experience:


Edify Corporation, Santa Clara, California, 6/98-7/99, 10/01-present

Custom Software Architect


·         Conceived, designed, and coordinated the development of the Application Modeler product.  Application Modeler allows for web-based development, configuration, and deployment of voice and speech applications.  Its design allows packaged applications to be built once and execute unaltered atop VXML, SALT, and Edify proprietary platforms.

·         Contributed to the development and architectural design of Financial IVR applications that seamlessly integrate with multiple banking system back ends.

·         Authored an extensible SOAP client, which hides the details of request XML preparation and response XML XSL transformation from the calling application.

·         Currently awaiting the approval of the patent, U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/601,222, titled “Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System Providing Dynamic Resolution of Data”, which will protect a key feature of Application Modeler.

·         Contributed to the development of ESY and BBS, employee self-service and Internet banking products.



Workscape Inc., San Jose, California, 7/99-10/01

Sr. Application Engineer


·         Responsible for the design and development of web-based modules for the Employee and Managerial Self-Service product lines.

·         Created a configurable, data-driven, dynamic reporting tool for accessing 3rd party vendors such as PeopleSoft.  The design featured a meta-data storage structure and a web-based interface, which enables end-users to define complex queries without having to be aware of the specifics of the report data’s source.

·         Designed and created a full-featured Workflow Engine and accompanying components for product inclusion.  The design features a web-based Workflow Designer configuration component, which allows the design of multi-level, data-driven transaction routing rules and context-specific available actions and notifications.  A Workflow Agent component, executed as a spawned process, performs e-mail notifications to alert participants of transaction status changes as defined in the Workflow Designer.  A Workbox component enables users to report on and link to all transactions they are authorized to view.  Other components allow users to establish alternates, and administrators to transfer transactions, establish groups, and maintain calendars.

·         Redesigned product architecture to seamlessly support the usage of varying database products and the interface to varying ERP vendors.



Ross Systems, Inc., Alameda, California, 9/93-5/94, 3/97-6/98

Sr. Software Engineer


·         Created ActiveX controls using Visual Basic 5.0 for inclusion in Internet development suite used for future product releases.  The property driven controls enabled much of the application development process to be automated.  The design of the controls also enabled them to be placed on either web pages or client/server forms and then perform similarly, further reducing development cycles.

·         Designed and programmed two generations of software to be sold as part of Ross Systems' human resources product line during two tours of duty with the company.

·         Winner of Chairman's Award of Excellence.



SAP America/SAP Technology, Foster City, California, 4/96-3/97

Software Developer


·         Member of the engineering team that redesigned the internationally focused SAP Human Resources product to meet the more stringent requirements of the U.S. market.

·         Programmed the SAP to ADP payroll data interface.

·         Responsible for the success of SAP’s beta customers.



ALZA Corporation, Palo Alto, California, 6/95-4/96



·         Performed customizations and created interfaces to facilitate the successful implementation of PeopleSoft General Ledger and Accounts Payable systems.



PeopleSoft, Inc., Pleasanton, California, 5/94-6/95

Budget Administration Development Manager


·         Designed and programmed the client/server, Excel-based budgeting application to be sold as part of PeopleSoft’s financial product line.

·         Worked extensively with Fortune 500 beta partners to establish and refine product design requirements.



Callan Associates, Inc., San Francisco, California, 2/93-9/93



·         Designed and programmed a financial performance measurement system.  Developed mathematical models to handle leveraged negative positions.  System's generic front end made fully data-driven, accepting bank and asset manager position and transaction data in any format.

·         Programmed in C a system to accept, manipulate, and load into Sybase, Compustat monthly corporate data.



LMSC, Inc., Sunnyvale, California, 7/87-2/93

Management Systems Analyst


·         Designed and programmed workstation applications and real-time communications software to operate and manage an automated material handling receiving, storage and retrieval facility.

·         Led efforts of a team of four engineers in software development and in management of VAXCluster computing center.

·         Earned awards and commendations recognizing nearly $500,000 of cost savings.

·         Designed and programmed application to manage manufacturing schedule, cost and performance goals.   System capable of spanning multiple platforms: VAXes, mainframes, PCs, and Unix-based machines.

·         Acted as liaison between user and programming organizations by performing analysis and design required for software modifications to corporate cost-reimbursable billing, accounts receivable, and cash management MVS Cobol software systems.

·         Developed requirement definitions and performed software modifications to corporate fixed-price billing software.

·         Developed specification for inter-company billing software system.



Current Technologies:          


Windows, Java, C++, JavaScript, HTML, SOAP, VXML, SQL Server, Edify EWF/EVIP, XML, XSL



Other Technologies:          


VAX/VMS, Macintosh/System 7, Intel/Xenix, VM/CMS, J2EE, EJB, BEA WebLogic, Blaze, ERWin, Visual Basic, VBScript, ASP, ActiveX, COM, DCOM, MTS, Visual InterDev, ABAP/4, PeopleTools, PeopleCode, SQR, Crystal Reports, PS/nVision, Omnis 7, C, Fortran, Oracle, Oracle Pro*C, Oracle PL/SQL, RDB, Sybase, Access, SQLBase, Nomad2, VAX Assembly, Pascal, RDM, Artemis, Ada





Master of Business Administration, concentration Finance, 1991

                        Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California

                        GPA 3.4/4.0


                        Bachelor of Science, double major Mathematics and Computer Science, 1987

                        James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia

Cum Laude, GPA 3.25/4.0



References:            Available upon request.


last updated 12/1/05


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