
»» February 11, 2002 «« Still Updating...

Hey everyone. I'm still chugging along with the web updates. I've added a Contact Me page and also a page that tells a little bit about myself. I haven't made the Funny Pics section again yet, or the U.S.S. Ranger section either. They will be the biggest undertakings.
Also, due to my web site size limits I will be sorting out the funny pictures which means there will be less but I will try and keep the best ones. The tastelss/crass ones may have to go depending on Yahoo!'s policy on them. Stay tuned!

»» February 9, 2002 «« Argh! He's Done It Again!!!

That's right everyone. I've went and remade the site again. I don't me a perfectionist I suppose. Every time I look at my site I see something I can improve on. Sometimes it requires a total makeover, sometimes not. I've still tried to keep with the simplistic approach by not using too many graphics and utilizing the colours available by the HTML code itself into something that resembles something fairly stylish.
Here are the changes:

  • Got rid of that ad bar at the bottom of the screen. I could see it taking up a LOT of screen space on resolutions less than 1024x768. By the way, the settings I used to make this web site was 1024x768 screen resolution, medium text size in Internet Explorer 6.
  • Remade the menu section. I think having "Menu" at the top of the menu was a bit too...what's the word...stupid. So now I've gotten rid of it and replaced it with a groovy little "Will's Site" shockwave movie.
  • Got rid of that "Jokes" panel. It was getting hard to find good (censored) ones that not everyone knew. I may add a jokes section sometime in the future as my 20MB quota gets eaten up by my funny pictures section
  • The menu is created using javascript instead of <IFRAME> to try and speed things up a bit more.
  • I've adjusted the colour scheme slightly to be less eye straining (I hope).
  • Made the clock almost always show up at the bottom of the page (not screen).

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
wanna be crap too? mail me here