Ram A. Sharma

12254 Green Meadow Dr. Apt –B, Columbia MD 21044

(781)-890-1333 Extn. 1383 (H), (201)-838-9581 (C)







Ø      Over Eleven years of experience in Information Technology played different roles like Data Architect, Production/Application DBA and Programmer Analyst, SAP DBA, Data Warehouse DBA and Unix System Administrator.

Ø      7 Years of Data Management skills on HP-UX, Sun Solaris, AIX, SCO UNIXWARE, SCO OPEN and Windows NT (Production & Development) with OS Administration. 

Ø      Expert  in Data Modeling, Data Architecting, Database Design, Capacity Planning, Backup and Recovery, Performance Tuning, Data Warehousing, ETL (Informatica), Parallel Server, Replication, Partitioning, Migration and other aspect of database administration.

Ø      Excellent technical and analytical skills with clear understanding of the difference in design goals of ER Modeling for OLTP and Dimension Modeling for OLAP.

Ø      Very well experienced in Data Warehousing, ETL, Star Schema, Fact & Dimension tables and Hands on with InformaticaPower Centre, PowerMart, Data Marts (LDR, GDR, etc.,). Excellent knowledge in Data Mapping and Data Loading techniques.

Ø      Designed, constructed, maintained, and documented Data Warehouses using Oracle 8x. Participated on a Decision Support Project team to develop views necessary for structured and ad-hoc reporting. Worked with high performance teams developing and implementing state-of-art data warehouse applications

Ø      Solid Experience in HP-UX, AIX, Sun Solaris System Administration including Managing Users, logical volume group, System Resources and Backup.  Used TIVOLI (Storage Management) with IBM-RS6000 Servers and Storage Management System EMC. Experience in use of RAID.

Ø      Experience in Configuring and deploying Veritas Volume Manager (VM), Veritas Cluster Servers (VCS) and Veritas Netbackup On SUN boxes. And

Ø      Extensive experience in Installing, Configuring and Tuning of Oracle Parallel Servers, Advance Replications, Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) and HOT Standby Databases.

Ø      Worked intensively on performance tuning that included Query Optimization, Instance/Memory/IO/OS tuning.

Ø      Expert in Migrating Oracle 6, 7.0.1, 7.3.4 to Oracle 8 and Oracle8i.

Ø      Programming skills in PL/SQL, Pro *C, Developer 2000 Rel 2.1 & 1.2, visual Basic, C/C++, Unix/Unify, Clipper, FoxPro and Cobol. Written more than 500,000 lines of code.

Ø      Worked on all phases of SDLC and was a leader of the process re-engineering group. Involved in process analysis/design (for cost and cycle-time reduction).

Ø      Worked Closely with SAP Systems implementation for FatBrain.com, CA.

Ø      Worked for Overseas Project, both on-site and offshore for HTC Global Solutions USA

Ø      Acquaintance with HTML, Visual Basic (VB6), C++, Java, Linux And Perl 5/Cgi



Languages: PL/SQL, Pro *C, Clipper 5.2, C, C++, Basic , COBOL

RDBMS: Oracle 9.0.1/9Ias/8.1.6/8.0.5/8.0.4/7.3.4/7.0.1/6.1 (OEM, RMAN, SQL*DBA, SQL*Plus, EXP/IMP, SQL*Loader), Unify and MS-SQL Server.

Front Ends: Developer 2000 Rel 2.1 & 1.2 (Forms 5/4.5, Report 3.0/2.5), Visual Basic 5.0/4.0, FoxproW 2.6

Back Ends: Oracle Forms 3.0, SQL Report Writer 2.0 , SQL Menus and Unify

Case Tool: Designer 2000/ER-WIN/X-Case/Easy Case, Discoverer 2000 , Cognos and Informatica

System Management: OEM Enterprises Manger, Oracle Recovery Manager, Oracle Server Manager.

Operating Systems: HP - UX 11, Sun Solaris 8 , AIX (Ver 4.2), SCCO UnixWare (Ver 7.01), SCO Open Server (Ver 5.0.2D), Windows 95/98/NT 4.0, Dos 3.0-7.0, Novel 3.11 to 4.12,

Hardware: HP-9000 (D350), IBM RS-6000, IBM Netfinity 5500/3500, Sun E6800/4800/2200, Sun Sparc station 20, Sun Netra, Sun ultra 60, IBM Server 325-370, Tata Unisys U6000, HCL Magnum    (68030 Motorola Based), HCL Meteor 540PT/90, Horizon III, ICIM 6000, Nalco Main Frame, Intel Pentium Based Servers.



MAY, 2002 To  Present                                                                     Verizon Communication Inc.

Sr. Data Architect and DBA                                                                                      Silver Spring, MD


Environment: HP L Series,HP 12 Cpu SD Domain, Hp 24 Cpu SD Domain. ,Informatica Power Center1.7/ Power Mart 4.7, Oracle 8i, SQL *Plus, PL/SQL, Windows NT/2000, UNIX, SQL Loader, SQL Navigator, Toad, IIS


Here we have Two major Projects :Vrepair and LiveWire under Development and One of them has been deployed  and gone into production recently. I was mainly responsible for  Database architecture and design, Performance Tuning,  Defining and Deploying  Oracle Advance replication environment along with 24 x 7 Production support.


1.       Replication: Responsible for Installing, Configuring and Tuning of Advance mutli-master replication Involving 7 master databases. Written scripts for conflict resolution and tuned to gain optimum performance.

2.      Designer: Involved in RDBMS design related issues either physical or the logical layout. Leading a Team of DBA s’ which included Development as well as other production DBA task. Performed analysis, design and development activities associated with maintenance and production support.

3.      Data modeling : Involved in defining and designing entire data model for VRpair project using ER-Win Ver 4.0 and then Publishing of those Data models on  Internal web based and release management application.

4.       Data Warehouse : Worked on PowerMart, Repository Manager, Designer (Source Analyzer, Warehouse Designer, Transformation Developer and Mapping Designer) and Server Manager . Source Analyzer tool was used to analyze various sources from relational database, flat files and to create new source definitions into the Repository. Warehouse Designer was used to create target table definitions by various methods. Mapping designer was used to connect source and target tables through combination of different transformation objects e.g. Source Qualifier, Expression, Filter, Aggregator, Update Strategy, Lookup, Joiner, Sequence Generator

5.       Other tasks: Oracle Installation, migration and upgradation. Performance tuning using UTLSTAT reports and Explain Plan/TKPROF, benchmarking performance using performance charts and monitoring Alert logs. Carry out Capacity planning along with the business community and generate capacity reports to monitor space utilization. Monitoring daily hot backups using Alexandria backup utility.



a)      Carried out a Performance benchmarking and Cost benefit analysis between OAR (Oracle Advance Replication) and  SharePlex  replication tools.

b)      Involved in design and documentation of mappings and sessions to build and run them in scheduler and monitor for the successful loading of data into Data Mart

c)      Did performance benchmarking and Code review for  Pro *c and Pl/sql Codes.

d)      Did Capacity planing documentation and future estimated growth of database size. Also estimated Per Hour/Per day Transaction Rate. Which Matched out Perfectly about 99% after bring systems in production environment.


Project Detail:

LiveWire : Migration Project from Sybase to Oracle. Vrepair : Production and Development Environment.


JUL, 2001 To May, 2002                                                       Pearson Education/Prentics Hall

Sr. Data Architect                                                                     Upper Saddle River, NJ


Hardware: Sun Enterprise E6800/E4800/E2200 & RDBMS :Oracle 8.1.7/Oracle9i

This is deployment project for Itext, which basically provide innovative online education for K-4 to K-12 students all over the United States and Canada. It is designed to support 4 million users including teachers and students for their educational needs. eMeasurement is for High School students in Virginia and Georgia will soon logging on to take their year-end achievement tests over the internet.


1.       Oracle Parallel server: Responsible for handling two, 3 node Veritas clusters (Production and development) with OPS configured on three individual nodes of the cluster, accessing a single database mounted on a shared drive using File System devices. The size of the database is  around 1.3 TB. The database had to support a 24x7 OLTP environment that included internet based applications, batch processes & more than 1500 concurrent users from various District, Schools and Homes.

2.       High Availability and Fault tolerance: Two 3 node Veritas clusters had been set up on Sun E6800 and it had a 3 way fail over mechanism configured for High Availability and a Fault tolerant environment. The cluster supported both OPS and a stand-alone database, which were configured to fail over to the surviving node in case a particular node failed. Responsible for setting up a similar environment on a 2-node VCS cluster consisting of stand alone databases.

3.       Replication: Worked on advanced mutli-master replication involving 3 master databases. Also setup a basic replication environment involving snapshots.

4.       Standby Database: Setup and configured a hot standby environment for a internet based application in Oracle 8.1.6. The size of the database was around 300 GB. The task of applying archive redo logs was automated using the principle of managed recovery.

5.       Database Architecture: Designed the disk layout for various production databases, the data mart and the OPS cluster environment. Conversant with Veritas logical volume manager. Tools used for Data Warehousing are : Discoverer 2000/Designer 2000, ERWin, Informatica ETL tool, Cognos as Reporting.

6.       24x7 Production support: As part of the RTE (Run the Engine) group, had to provide day and night pager support for more than 100 databases. Responsibilities included acknowledging and resolving issues in the stipulated time frame.

7.       Other tasks: Oracle Installation, migration and up gradation. Performance tuning using UTLSTAT reports and Explain Plan/TKPROF, benchmarking performance using performance charts and monitoring Alert logs. Carry out Capacity planning along with the business community and generate capacity reports to monitor space utilization. Monitoring daily hot backups using Netbackup backup utility.



e)      Disaster recoveries: Successfully recovered the OPS database in two disaster recovery scenarios, when all the current information was lost. Also carried out recoveries in other stand alone databases, in various recovery scenarios.

f)       Oracle 8i project lead: Led a team of 3 DBA’s to migrate over 10 production databases from 7.3.4 to 8.1.7. and Oracle9i. Responsibilities included drafting a migration plan, backup & recovery tests, benchmarking performance, application testing on the 8i environment.

g)      Carried out a cost-benefit analysis of the various fail over options available such as OPS, replication and hot standby.

h)      Installed and configured DBVision, a database monitoring tool on production databases.

Project Detail:

Itext (http://www.phsuccesnet.com , http://admin.phsuccessnet.com ), OLP (Online Lesson Planner), E-measurement , NCS4School and  LES (Longman English Success ).


DEC, 2000 To JUL, 2001                                                                                Lucent Technologies

Data Warehouse Architect & DBA                                                                          Whippany, NJ


Hardware: Sun Enterprises 4800, Sun Sparc station 20, Sun Netra, Sun ultra 60, IBM RS-6000, IBM Netfinity 5500 & RDBMS: Oracle 8.16/8.0.6

Lucent Technologies is an international corporation that develops and markets unified communications solutions. With a unique emphasis on human factors and standards, it gives control back to the end-user and makes it easy for corporate enterprise and service providers to deliver enhanced personal communication services. My project were on Mobile Internet Gateway (MIG), Mobilleum and Wireless application Engine (WAE)


6.       Replication: Responsible for Installing, Configuring and Tuning of Advance mutli-master replication Involving 2 master databases. Written scripts for conflict resolution and tuned to gain optimum performance.

7.       Data Warehouse : Managing a Data Warehousing project using Brio and Informatica as an ETL tool .The project included, Extraction, Transformation and Loading, preparation of Data Marts for different departments and reporting.

8.      Designer: Involved in RDBMS design related issues either physical or the logical layout. Leading a Team of DBA s’ which included Development as well as other production DBA task. Performed analysis, design and development activities associated with maintenance and production support.

9.       Other tasks: Oracle Installation, migration and upgradation. Performance tuning using UTLSTAT reports and Explain Plan/TKPROF, benchmarking performance using performance charts and monitoring Alert logs. Carry out Capacity planning along with the business community and generate capacity reports to monitor space utilization. Monitoring daily hot backups using Alexandria backup utility.



1.       Oracle9I AS: Lead the project development with team size of  6. Installed and configured Oracle Portal 3.0 for WAE (Wireless application Engine)Application development. Supported for stored procedure and packages. Created own Portal for WAE. Also configured and customized WebDB and WebLogic Servers.

2.       Installed and Configured Various Unix Including AIX, SUN and HP also worked with System Administration tools Like TIVOLI, EMC and Veritas.

Project Detail:

Mobile Internet Gateway Application( MIG) , SpaceTime Portal , MMP, Mobilleum and Wireless application Engine (WAE)



Jul 2000 To Nov 2000                                                                                                   FatBrain.com

SAP Database Administrator                                                                                     Santa Clara, CA


Hardware        : IBM RS-6000, IBM Netfinity 5500 & RDBMS            : Oracle 8.0.5/8.0.4/7.3


·         Implemented and Migrated application for SAP Systems.

·         Logical and Physical database design:

·         Database Backup Strategy Design and Implementation.

·         Available to Company 24 Hrs and 7 days in week.  Handling Remote administration also.

·         Simulated and Tested Complete Recovery and Point-in-time recovery . 

·         Database Performance Monitoring and Tuning

·         Planned System Security and user security policy and implemented them. Created users and roles as per applications security requirement. Various applications being running are SAP Application of Pick Management system, order progressing system (PPC) that prepares dispatch details & Invoices.

·         Installed Enterprises Manager and Server Manager. Used OEM’s Performance manager, backup manager, Schema Manager, Security Manager etc. for day-to-day database maintenance and monitoring.

·         Created database link between two databases to access the table data from one local database to remote database using distributed database feature. Created snapshots for some most queried tables to get the most refreshed data. Planned and installed replication of database also.

·         DBA activities during migration and tuning of a module for a load balancing.

·         Solved complex configuration and architectural problems.

·         Worked Along with SAP & Core Tech. Engineers Team to Implement Pick Management System

·         Involved Closely with SAP systems implementation and Regular Maintenance of  SAP systems.  

·         Data Modeling and Distributed Database Design: identifying entities, normalization/de-normalization, making ERDs, DFDs and Function Hierarchy diagrams, planning redundancy and replication, planning distributed databases.

·         Database creation and performance tuning: writing database creation scripts & PL/SQL server side stored procedures and triggers, analyzing performance impact of developers' SQL statements, query optimization, SQL*Net installation and configuration.

·         Writing Automated Scripts for  Hot and Cold backup

·         Diagnosing problems Latch Contention, Lock Contention, Rollback Segment Contention

·         Performed Re-Organization of  Oracle Databases from one file system to other file systems. 


Project Detail:

PKMS Systems , Deployment of SAP Modules for PKMS


Apr. 1999 To Jul. 2000                                                                                    HTC Global Services

Sr. Database Administrator                                                                                                    Michigan                                


Hardware        : HP-9000, D Class & K Class, IBM Netfinity 5500 & RDBMS             : Oracle 8i/8.1.6/8.0.4/7.3

Responsible for projects undergoing for a publishing company called Bell and Howell Information and Learning of Michigan, USA. The database size is of around 100 GB. It was a migration project from different legacy and Mainframe system to a web based system. It required complete change in the existing design.


Responsibilities under Data Warehousing:

·         Receiving (Extracting) data from the mainframe systems and other external system which included flat files and processed it for the new application

·         Loading the data to the staging server, cleansing the Data, loading into the Data Marts.

·         Fine tuning the application for best performance

Responsibilities as a DBA :

·         Giving 24x7 support for the maximum uptime

·         Designing & creating the sample databases, tables for development.

·         Creation of Control files & log files (including mirroring of files)

·         Designing database and space management.

·         Managing table space & data files (creating & dropping table spaces & adding / dropping / renaming / relocating data files)

·         Security management using privileges, creating users, roles, profiles and auditing.

·         Providing access and revoking to tables & resources for developers and user when necessary.

·         Management and estimation of Rollback Segments including the estimation of the optimal size and decreasing the Rollback Segment contention.

·         Planned database backups (operating system, full/partial backups, and export/import) using various types of backups and designed the backup methodology for the organization.

·         Managing, administration and tuning the use of database resources.

·         Taking preventive maintenance of the   database & checking user quotas & allocating whenever required.

·         Separated the Index to the disk drive to improve the performance.

·         Changed tables from one table space to another table space using user privileges and also recreated the database to improve performance.

·         Configuration and Administration of the Oracle Ver. 7.3 database.

·         Responsible for the Whole system department along with the Installation, Configuration & Administration of the HP UNIX D Class Server.

Environment: Oracle 8.x on AIX running on RS/6000



Dec 1997 to Mar 1999                                                                          Ruchi Group of Industries

Sr. Database Administrator /Programmer Analyst                            INDORE, MP INDIA


Hardware        : HP-9000 D Class, IBM Netfinity 5500, RS6000 & RDBMS: Oracle 8.0.4/7.3, Unify 4.0

Its various manufacturing units are located dotting the industrial map of Central India, in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The group has its Corporate Headquarters in Indore, with offices in Bombay, New Delhi, Calcutta, Chennai and other major business centers in the Country.



·         Requirement Determination: creating deliverables' document, requirements' document, and input/output documents design.

·         Process Analysis and Design (Leader of the process reengineering group): making process flow diagrams, process cycle time and cost reduction, preparing cost-benefit matrices & process dependency matrices, process design.

·         Development of core modules implementing business functions: two-tier application design, writing centralized modules to implement business functions, building component libraries.

·         User Interface Standardization: design of data-entry screens and reports, facilitating easier end-user usage through common look-and-feel, maintaining menu and windows design consistency.

·         Data Modeling and Distributed Database Design: identifying entities, normalization/de-normalization, making ERDs, DFDs and Function Hierarchy diagrams, planning redundancy and replication, planning distributed databases.

·         Database creation and performance tuning: writing database creation scripts & PL/SQL server side stored procedures and triggers, analyzing performance impact of developers' SQL statements, query optimization, SQL*Net installation and configuration.

·         Overall project management: hardware sizing and selection, developers' training, estimation and management of development time, team programming, conducting structured walkthroughs.

·         Migration from unify RDBMS to oracle 6.0, enhancement in terms of migration from Ver 6.0 to 7.0.1

·         Unix system administration: installation and configuration, performance tuning, TCP/IP setup and administration, planning and automating system backup procedures, writing shell scripts, user accounts maintenance and security management.


Project Detail: (http://www.ruchigroup.com )

Share Transfer System, Raw Milk Procurement System, Integrated Accounting Package, Integrated Sales and Distribution Package


Jan 1991 to Dec. 1997                                                                        Sanghi Brothers (Indore) Ltd

Unix & Database Administrator                                                               INDORE, INDIA


Hardware        : HP-9000 D Class, IBM Netfinity 5500, RS6000, HCL Magnum (Motorola 68030) & RDBMS   : Oracle 7.3, Unify 4.0

Sanghi is one of leading automobile dealer in central and western parts of India, having dealership of TATA Automobiles, TELCO, Mahindra & Mahindra and JCB heavy earth moving automobiles/equipments.


Task as Unix & Database System Administrator: Complete Management of Unix machines right from installation to maintenance, job involved installation of  Magnix, hp-ux 8 and Oracle Databases. Monitoring swapping and paging using vmstat and sar, tuning SGA by setting init.ora parameters, tuning various buffers by examining SQL-DBA monitors, rollback segment sizing for data loads and OLTP, Table and Index striping to balance I/O, monitoring redo logs through trace and alert files, restricting CPU and resource usage with Profiles, overall monitoring through UTLBSTAT/UTLESTAT utility, row chaining, space and storage monitoring using ANALYZE command, checking for potential show-stoppers, application tuning - planning cost/rule based optimization methods, SQL optimization using EXPLAIN PLAN and hints, moderating trigger versus declarative integrity usage, examining index usage and creating indexes for faster access.


Project Detail:

Financial Account and Sales System, Hire Purchase and Leasing System, Service Center Module for Workshop.



Year    Title                                                                                        Organized by

1994     Oracle Ver 6.0 & Unix Shell Scripts                                           ISIT

1997     Oracle 7.3, Developer 2000 & Designer 2000                             DDE-ORG

1999     Oracle Database Administration From Oracle Corp. India (OCP) Oracle Corp.



M.B.A. Information Systems (Master In Business Administration) from Institute of Management Studies, D. A. University, Indore with First Class with Distinction In the year 1996-99.

A.D.C.S.S.A. (Advance Diploma in Computer Software System and Analysis. Equivalent to M.C.A.) From C.W.I.T. Pune affiliated to Board of Technical Education, Bombay in1989-91.

B.Sc.  (Bachelor of Science) from Devi Ahilya University, Indore in 1985-88.