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Resume Experience Projects Courses Thesis Download


Vicky Shiv
Phone: 902 463 5746
Email: vickyshiv@yahoo.com
Halifax , Nova Scotia , Canada
Web: http:// www.geocities.com/vickyshiv/

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A Career in field of Computer Science and Information System. Career Interests in Object Oriented Programming using Java, Two Tier and Three Tier Relational Database Application (Oracle and SQL Server), Distributing Object Oriented Programming using CORBA, COM and Java RMI. Web Based Client Server Business to Business and Business to Client Application using ActiveX, Java Applet and  Dynamic HTML.


Web Based Architecture Design, E-Commerce, Database Design, Entity-Relation-Java Object Modeling, Object-Oriented Design and Development, Transaction based System Design, Reusable Component Level Design in HTML, Java Swing & Visual Basic, Application Caching design for large scale web Application, Distributed Notification Design for multiple Instances.


MS in Computer Science Acadia University, Wolfville, CANADA. (GPA 3.75 /4.0)
BS in Computer Science HBTI, Kanpur, INDIA (GPA 3.7/4.0)

Computer Skills

Platforms SUN SOLARIS, UNIX, Windows 2000, Windows NT, VAX
Software’s Visual C++, Visual J++, Active X, COM, DCOM, CORBA, Java, Java script, Oracle, MS SQL Server, Microsoft Web Server, Power Builder, MFC, ODBC, JDBC, FoxPro, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Transaction Server, Visual Basic and VB Script, JBuilder, Forte
Design Mythology Booch, UML, DataModeling
Languages C++, Java, SQL, FoxPro, FORTRAN, Shell Script, CGI, HTML,ASP


During past 6 years I have programmed and taught in several areas of computer science. These areas include E-Commerce, Object Oriented Design and Analysis (Booch Terminology), Human Computer Interaction, Advanced Object Oriented Systems, Database Design, Computer Networks, Engineering Design and Fundamental research. These areas provided me with a better understanding programming concepts in terms of user interface, speed of execution, efficient use of memory, reliability, robustness and scalable programs. I believe that each of these concepts could be well understood only by programming in several areas.
Company Title Duration
Abridean Inc.,Canada Senior Product Developer Sep 2000 - Current
Sobeys Inc.Canada System Designer May 1998 – Aug 2000
Mag Services,USA System Analyst(Part Time) Aug1999 – July 2000
Acadia University,Canada Teaching Assistant Aug 1999 – May 1998
IIS Infotech Inc, Delhi, India. System Designer June1996 – July 1997
Netcom System And Software, India Software Engineer Aug1995 – June 1996

System Designer: May ’98-Aug 2000, Sobeys Inc. Canada.

My responsibilities as a System Designer (Sobeys Inc.) include leading a team of professionals, understanding the emerging areas of new Technology and project management. Apart from that it involves Analysis, Design and Coding of different modules and project management tasks like Project Scheduling and Time Estimation.

Web Based Projects.  (Architecture used in designing the web based Applications)

  • Online Shopping web for Sobeys Inc. This application is implemented as a three tier web based client server architecture. This is a web based application for ordering stuff from Sobeys. It is on www.sobeys.ca under the Catering Service.
  • Online Shopping web for Eastern Sing Print This application is implemented as a three tier web based client server architecture. This is a web based application for ordering stuff from Eastern Sign Print. To Check Sample Screen Click Here
  • Employee self-service Designed and developed three-tier client server application. The application is used for corporate management of human resources to collaborate between several offices through the web.
  • Log Viewer Application This application is a Three-Tier Client server web application used to views logs files on the Intranet.
  • Few other web application All these applications (Staff Opportunity, Intranet security Modules) are four tiers Architecture. The first tier is the browser the second tier is the web server which is talking to the visual Basic COM object (DLL) through the MTS on NT Server which talks to the four tier database. This new technology using Visual Basic helps in reducing the response time significantly. Once the DLL is loaded in the user memory the execution times drops by 40% with respect to the convention 3 tier applications of ASP
  • Gift Certificate/ Ticket web based application This application is used to send the gift certificate and ticket information to the various stores of Sobeys.
  • Sybase to Oracle Conversion Due to the outstanding Issues for the Sybase and MDAC web group convert their intranet and internet back end to the Oracle. Converting the back end database of all the web sites from Sybase to Oracle includes Active server pages, Unix scripts, database and VB com objects conversion.

Non-Web Based Projects

Stores reduction Reports This is the in-house development for the Sobeys Inc for the Reduced reduction Reports modules. These reports help in reducing the Reduction percentage from the point of sale. These reports will save five hours per day per stores of each departmental manager time. This helps in keeping tracks of reduced cost of the Profit Center.

System Analyst: (Part Time Contract) Aug1999 – July2000. MAG Services, USA

Development of Java based thin client and sever application for managing labor and food cost for Restaurants.

Restaurant Manager:  Develop a Java based thin client and sever application for managing labor(ToView Screen) and food cost (To view Screen) for Restaurants. To View Main Screen.. Few features includes:

  • Zero SQL - Developed a Model package which represents the Entity-Relation for database table and Java Classes. The package uses dynamic SQL and reflection to perform select, update and insert to the database. Columns are modeled as attributes and one to many relation is modeled as Arrays.
  • Database Adapter - Wrote Database adapter for MS-Access, Oracle and SQL Server.
  • Caching Architecture- Rows of Database are converted into Java objects. SELECT SQL is only used if the objects are not in the cached store.
  • Component Level UI - Graphical Swing Component were developed for String(Text), Dollar( Double), Password(String), Integer(double), Check Box(Boolean), Drop Down (To One Relationship), JTable for Header Details.
  • Transaction Server Architecture- Server is transactional is based. Prepare Statement are used with the transaction control. Exception are thrown on the server and transported to client as pop messages.
  • Distributed Architecture, Load balance and Notification - Transaction Server Architecture allowed the command to send to any server thus performing load balancing. Notification is send from one server to another to inform of any update, delete and insert.
  • Transport Architecture - Transport modeled after HTTP (Open-Request-Response-Close) protocol but was implement on TCP/IP.
  • XML Support - XML support was provided for Command, Serialization, UI Layout etc.

Teaching Assistant: Aug’97-May ’98, Department of Computer Science, Acadia University.

These are some of the academic projects while during my research in Master Thesis

Distributed OO Projects

  • This illustrates CORBA two technique to implement the Server i.e.: Tie Approach and the Implementation approach. Here we use N number of counters to implement tie and implementation approach of CORBA. Counter is taken as data structure of ORBIX (version 3.0 for Java) as sequence or array of long datatype of size N. Java Documentation
  • Debit and Credit Bank Application (To illustrates CORBA with JDBC) This is a simple bank application to debit and credit transaction for the banking machine. This is to demonstrate the use of CORBA with JDBC with Java multithreaded scenario and callbacks.To View Report and Presentation
  • Marks Access Form(Java and RMI) In this application we create a framework in which a student (a client) can use an applet or application to displays her/his marks (for multiple courses). This applet is automatically updated (using callbacks) whenever there is a change in student marks from the server. Java Documentation

Java Projects

C++ Project

  • Voice Mail System This project is the Voice Mail System(VMS) developed in C++ on a UNIX platform. It implements the factory design patterns. The design methodology followed here is the use of CRC cards. This course project is to get a thorough knowledge of Booch Terminology in term of transaction diagrams, interaction diagrams, Class diagram, object diagrams and various notations used in it and apply them to the Voice Mail System. To Check the Report on it.

VC++ Projects

System Executive: June’96 - July’97, IIS Infotech , Inc, Delhi, India.

  • ELIXIR (Y2K Tool) This project is used to solve the year 2000 problem This project is involve solving the year 2000 problem. There are two techniques used are Sliding Window and 2 to 4 conversions. The tool works in four modes Scanning, Identification, Refinement and Conversion. The tool is divided into various modules such as Language Engine, Database Engine, TCL\TK (GUI user interface) which are language independent modules, the only language dependent module is lex and yacc part of the tool.
  • Technical Information System in PowerBuilder and Sybase Database( 2 –Tier Technical Information System (TIS) is being developed to meet the specific requirements of the top management at IIS Infotech.

Software Engineer: Aug’95 – June’96 Netcom System And Software, New Delhi, India.

  • Developed Few MS-ACCESS Applications such as Hospital Management System and Transport Management Systems.

Master Thesis

The thesis describes an integrated Distributed Information System (DIS). DIS is based on a domain of homogenous and persistent objects. DIS is a general-purpose environment for the self-sustaining information systems. Software developers can use DIS to create a concrete information system without having to deal with networking and distribution details such as remote access, migration, replication and distributed transactions. Implementation of DIS is based on a client/server paradigm that uses Java 1.2 and RMI to provide network and operating system independence. Persistent storage on the server is provided through a file system or JDBC. Publications [Muldner,Shiv 2000] Distributed Repository of Programming Examples accepted for EDMEDIA 2000, Montreal, Canada June 2000.

Course Work

Object Oriented Analysis & Design Computer Network
Database Design Operating System
Directed Research (JAVA) Directed Research(CORBA-COM-Java RMI ,JDBC)
Human Computer Interaction Oracle training in SQL and SQL Plus
Advanced Object Oriented System.

Awards/ Publication

  • [Muldner,Shiv 2000] Distributed Repository of Programming Examples accepted for EDMEDIA 2000, Montreal, Canada June 2000.
    Teaching Assistant Scholarship, Acadia University.
  • Merit cum means Scholarship, HBTI Kanpur, India.
  • Received under graduate assistance ship through IMPACT program sponsored by department of electronics ( DoE ) ,Government of India.


Available on Request.