Avigo Software Heaven

supporting the efforts of Avigo 10 developers!!

Hi, I'm Robert Gill
This page is dedicated to delivering the efforts of dedicated developers on the TI - Avigo 10 platform, things are just getting started and I'm new to this home page stuff so bare with me and in a short time I hope this will become one of the main disribution points for new Avigo applications.

Software Directory


8/26 - For those of you who have been patiently stopping by I know things don't seem to be moving along much but I'm currently in the process of evaluating two new applications and I've been contacted about a third. As soon as the author has finished polishing the shareware versions they'll be available here, probably in the next day or so.......STAY TUNED!!!!!!!

8/28 - Two new applications are now ONLINE!!! Check out Taipei and Avigo Clock! for the future I am currently working with a group that is beta testing a scientific calculator, hopefully we'll have a fully functional version soon!!

03/16 - NEW UPDATES!! Thanks to Ian Rowlings we have two new versions of Avigo Clock and Taipei if you find them to your liking please register, these apps are well worth the money.If you have any applications to upload please contact me - rgill@bechtel.com

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