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Archon  (x1)
Archon  (x1.5)
Archon  (x2)

Internet Explorer

JAR Problems
Hi, I'm Bob.  Welcome to my page.  Java is your friend.

What's New?
Try out my new Virus game.  It has a completely mouse-driven interface, and it loads faster than Archon.

Virus is somewhat similar to Othello, but it is actually based on a arcade game whose name I forget.  You make your pieces grow across a checkerboard-style field and convert enemy pieces to your side simply by moving next to them.  Once the field is filled, the person with the most squares wins.  Pieces can also jump two squares away, but they then empty their beginning square.  Pretty simple.
Archon II is an old Commodore 64 game that looks a heck of a lot like mine.  It was published by Electronic Arts (don't sue) and is the sequel to, you guessed it, Archon.  The original Archon was similar to chess except pieces actually fight each other for control of a square.  Chess:  Knight takes Bishop...Archon:  Knight attacks Bishop, they fight, Bishop wins.  Well extend that idea a little and you get Archon II...
Loading Games
I estimate 4 minutes to load Archon's jar file and initialize the app, but you shouldn't see any slowness after that.  Virus should load more quickly since it's smaller.  I've addressed all known problems with Netscape at the moment, so either game should work in the browser of your choice.  I've never tested either game on a non-Windows platform.  If you do or if you find any problems, send me mail (my address is at the bottom of this page).

Archon II Basic Instructions
Use the arrow keys and space bar in the initial menus.  You can program your keys, color, and game board in the options screen.  You can change your side by hitting space on either player (it cycles).  You can change between human and computer just by leaving the selection on the one you want.

Once the game starts, you'll use the WASD-G keys for player 1 and PL;'-H for player 2 (case insensitive).

I used to have some debug inputs, but I had to remove them to get the battle panel working in Netscape.  If I ever turn them back on, then the following will once again apply...
I've left in some debug inputs as well.  In any battle, you can use F1 and F12 to toggle computer control of the left and right unit respectively (NOTE:  If you turn computer control off for a computer player, you still can't control the units using the keyboard.  It'll just sit there).  Also in battle, you can use F2 and F11 to kill the left or right unit (useful when a computer unit gets stuck between boulders...I'm improving the path-finding AI eventually).

Archon II Basic Rules
You win by killing all of the enemy's units, castle, or power.  Power bars show each player's power on the main panel.  Use power to cast spells, summon creatures, and teleport your adepts.  Castles die only when fighting each other in an Apocalypse.  Their health is based on the player's power, and their attack power/speed is based on the strength of the player's units.  You can start an Apocalypse with the spell (it's expensive), or by killing all of your opponent's adepts.  This makes it hard to kill all of your opponent's units since you have to leave an adept for last...or else you'll Apocalypse.  You get power by sitting a unit on a power point.  Each element has temporary power points (they cycle between elements), and there are permanent power points on castles and in the void.  Permanent power points give less power per turn than temporary ones, but you collect power every turn.  You also lose power to pay maintenance on all of the creatures that you've summoned.  So it's not a good idea to just summon creatures in the middle of nowhere.  If any of this isn't clear, just watch the computer players.  They do a pretty good job, but they don't use any spell besides Summon (I have yet to add that aspect of their AI).
Email me at rmartin@symmetry-health.com or at my new home address, bobmartin9@cox.net.
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