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Crackerz Paradizecracking,
This page was called Software Hacking, but since the direction changed to cracking I renamed it to Crackerz Paradize.
The purpose of this site is to share knowledge in cracking and reverse engineering.
There is however numerous sites devoted to this but none of them will be as easy to follow as this one. You don't need any programming experience to follow the lessons found at Crackerz Paradize neither any deep knowledge of computer systems. Of course if you have programming skills and a deep knowledge about PC platforms, you'll probably "graduate" faster than those who lack these experiences.
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History of this site and why it's alive
cracking, copy protections, COPY PROTECTIONS, cracking games, reverse engineering,cracking copy protections, training, trainers, cheating, cheating in games, Gamez, games, unlocking, serial#,cracking, serial, patch, patching, asm tutorial, Indian_Trail ,hacking ,reverse engineering, cheat, Softice, softice, softice tutorial, Softice Tutorial, Assembly Language Tutorial, assembly language tutorial, reverse engineering, Indian_Trail,warez
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